8. Windshield Glass
1) Clean the windshield glass bonding surface.
2) Use a soft rag and unleaded gasoline to wipe off an
adhesive remaining on the body.
3) Mount the body window glass as shown in the illustration.
Attach spacers at seven locations.
• Always use new spacer.
4) Install the windshield upper molding.
• Peel off the tear-away paper from the windshield uppe
molding, and start applying it with one end of the glass
and cut away the surplus at the other end of the glass
for length adjustment.
• Always use new upper molding.
5) Temporarily install the windshield support.
6) Apply primer 1 Sunstar #435-98 or equivalent to the bod
side bonding surf ace. T he prim er should extend at leas t 25
mm (1 in).
Apply primer Sunstar #435-40 or equivalent to the
windshield glass side bonding surface.
The primer s hould extend 16.5 m m ( 0.6 in) and 25 m m ( 1.0
in) from end of the glass.
7) Apply the window glass sealing adhesive 2.
If you are using an air gun, air pressure should be
maintained at 147 - 294 kPa.
After drying primer completely, apply a sealing adhesive
(Sunstar #557 or equivalent) along the edge of the glass so
that the sealing adhesive has a 20 m m (0.79 in) junction at
middle of the vase of the glass.
Note :
Open time (1 min. or more) should be set after application
of the primer.
Bonding shall be done within 5 minutes after the sealing
adhesive has been applied.