Inspection And Repair
Carryout necessary repairs or parts replacement if wear, damage or any other abnormal conditions are found through
Visual Check
Inspect all disassembled parts for wear, damage or other
abnormal conditions.
Measure Wheel Runout
Wheel Ty pe Radial Lateral
14 inch St eel
15 inch St eel
16 inch St eel
Less than 1.0 Less than 1.0
15 inch Alumi
16 inch Alumi Less than 0.4 Less than 0.55
If the measured value exceed the specified limit, the wheel
must be replaced.
Balancing Wheel and Tire
On-vehicle Balancing
On-Vehicle balancing methods very with equipment and tool
manufacturers. Be sure to follow each manufacturer’s
instructions during balancing operation.
Off- vehicle Balancing
Most electronic off-vehicle balancers are more accurate than
the on-vehicle spin balancers. They are easy to use and give
a dynamic balance. Although they do not correct for drum or
disc unbalance (as on-vehicle spin balancing does), they are
very accurate.