1. Adjust end stop, point ‘B’, at the rear of the
door so that there is a 1 mm gap below the
highest possible end stop position and tighten
attaching screw to approximately 2 Nm.
2. Wind the window glass up through area ‘Q’
while at the same time, pressing the rail which
is bonded to the rear edge of the glass, in the
direction of arrow S. Continue winding window
glass up until window glass is approx im ately 30
mm before the closed position.
3. Screw window regulator guide rail in position
without imposing any stress es by tightening the
rear attachment screw, point ‘G’, to 7 Nm.
4. Tighten the centre attachment screw, point ‘E’,
of the front guide rail to 7 Nm while ensuring
that the window glass is held approximately 30
mm before the closed position.
5. Wind the window glass down to approximately
30 mm above the door belt moulding while at
the same time, pressing the rail which is
bonded to the rear edge of the glass, in the
direction of arrow S. Tighten the bottom
attachment screw, point ‘F’, for the front guide
rail to 7 Nm.
6. Screw window regulator guide rail in position
without imposing any stress es by tightening the
front attachment screw, point ‘H’, to 7 Nm.
Figure 1A5-23
7. W ind window glass up to a pos ition where the upper edge of the glass is flush with the upper edge of the door
mir ror hous ing, as s een f r om outside. In this position, the upper edge of the glas s must be par allel with point ‘M’
of the glass run over area ‘W’.
8. Check cranking load of window glass in area Z. If load feels excessive (more than 2.7 Nm) re-adjust window
glass by correcting the front guide rail attachments, points ‘E’ and ‘F’.
9. Adjust end stop, point ‘A’, so that the end s top contacts with the window glass and tighten attaching screw to 7
10. With the window in the closed position, adjust end stop, point ‘J’, so that it contacts the toothed sector of the
window regulator, then tighten attachment screw to 7 Nm.
11. Check upper edge of glass . If the deviation in parallelism and engagem ent exceeds 1 m m , re-adjus t end stops
at point ‘B’, and A-as necessary, so that the upper edge of the glass to the lip of the glass run at, point ‘M’ is
within a tolerance band of 3 to 5 mm.
12. Check the upper edge of the glass to ensure that the lip of the glass run channel, point ‘M’, is parallel over the
area ‘W’.
The upper edge of the glass must be 4 mm above the lip of the glass run channel, point ‘M’, over the area ‘W’.
If either the deviation in parallelism or insertion depth exceed 1 mm, then the end stops at points ‘B’, and ‘A’
mus t be readj usted until the upper edge of the glas s is 3 to 5 mm above the lip of the glass run channel, point
13. Tighten the attachment screw for end stop, point ‘B’ to 4 Nm.