The powertrain m anagement system for V2 Series Models fitted with a V6 Supercharged engine carries over from
VX Series I Models. For information relating to powertrain management system for V2 Series Models fitted with a
V6 engine, refer to Section 6C1 POWERTRAIN MANAGEMENT - V6 SUPERCHARGED ENGINE in the VX Series
I Service Information.
NOTE: A r evision has oc curred to s om e circ uits protec ted by fuses F29, F30 and F 31. When conducting diagnostic
procedures as detailed in Section 6C1 POWERTRAIN MANAGEMENT – V6 SUPERCHARGED ENGINE in the
VX Ser ies I Service Infor mation, ens ure to do so in conjunc tion with the wiring diagr ams in Section 12P – WIRING
DIAGRAMS in this Service Information.