The LH mirror INWARD and DOWNARD operation,
operates similarly. When the directional switch is
moved to the OUTWARD position, battery voltage
from fuse F15 is applied through the directional
centre contacts of the mirror control switch to circuit
911 (Brown wire) to one side of all mirr or ass embly
The LH mirror horizontal motor has a path to earth
through circuit 909 (Violet wire), through the LH
side select switch contacts, through the directional
contacts and through circuit 156 (Black wire).
This allows the LH side hor izontal motor to operate
and turns the mirror OUTWARDS until the
directional toggle switch is released.
W hen the directional toggle switch is depressed to
move the mirror INWARDS, the LH mirror
horizontal motor receives voltage, however the
voltage is reversed. Power to the motor is supplied
through fuse F15, through the directional and LH
side select switch contacts, through circuit 909
(Violet wire) and through the motor. The motor is
earthed through circuit 911 (Brown wire), through
the directional switch contacts and circuit 156
(Black w ire).
The RH mirror assembly operates in a similar
manner as the LH mirr or assem bly when the select
and directional switches contacts are selected,
To m ove the RH mirr or down, power is supplied via
circuit 911 (Brown wire) and earthed through
circuits 904 (Light Blue wire) and 156 (Black wire).
To move the RH mirror up, power is supplied
through circuit 904 and earthed through circuits 911
and 156. To move the RH mirror out, power is
supplied via circ uit 911 and earthed thr ough c irc uits
905 and 156. To move the RH mirror in, power is
supplied through circuit 905 and earthed through
circuits 911 and 156.
Figure 12H-4