3. The recommended sequence of testing is as
A. Referring to Figure 2-8, view A, open rear
compartment lid, remove the valve box
cover and leak test at and around the:
Pressure relief v alve (1).
AFL inlet elbow to AFL (2).
Rear service line to AFL inlet elbow
connection (3).
AFL to LPG cylinder (4).
Cylinder fuel gauge assembly (5).
Solenoid and manual service valve
assembly (6).
Solenoid and manual service valve
assembly to LPG cylinder (7).
Rear service line to solenoid and manual
service valve assembly connection (8).
B. Referring to Figure 2-8, view B:
Open filler box door and leak test at and
around the filler valve check ball (22).
Remove the rear c ompartm ent carpet from
the right side wheelhouse to gain acces s to
the inner side of the filler valve assembly,
refer to Section 1A1 BODY. Leak test at
and around the filler line to filler valve
C. Referring to Figure 2-8, view C, raise rear
of vehicle and support on safety stands,
refer to Section 0A GENERAL
INFORMATION for the location of jacking
points. Leak test at around the:
Rear service line to intermediate service
line joiner connection (9).
Intermediate service line to rear service
line joiner connector (10).
D. Referring to F igure 2-8, view D, leak test in
the engine compartment at and around the:
Intermediate service line to front service
line joiner connection (11).
Front service line to intermediate service
line joiner connection (12).
E. Referr ing to Figure 2-8, view E, leak test in
the engine compartment at and around the:
Front ser vice line to loc kof f inlet c onnec tion
Lockoff inlet connection to lockoff (14).
Lockoff to lockoff outlet connection (15).
Lockoff outlet connection to converter (16).
Lockoff (17, 18, 19).
Converter mounting faces (20).
At the com pletion of the leak test, c lose the manual
service valve, start the engine and run the engine
until all the LPG in the service line is exhausted.
With the engine stopped, switch to ‘petrol’ and s tart
the engine. The vehicle can now be driven into the
The vehicle cannot be operated on LPG in the
works hop unless the work shop is a “Spec ialist Gas
W ork shop”, ref er to Australian Standard AS 2746 -