This section contains two LPG System electrical circuit wiring diagrams:
1. For VT Series Models with production fitted LPG system s (W agon and Sedan), which s upersedes the existing
wiring diagrams, refer to Section 12P WIRING DIAGRAMS for the latest diagram, .
2. For VT Series Sedan Models with accessory fitted LPG systems, refer to Section 12P WIRING DIAGRAMS.
These diagrams should be referred to when diagnosing LPG system electrical problems and should always be the
starting point for electrical trouble shooting.
The wiring diagrams illustrate how a particular circuit should work by design, and should be understood before trying
to determine why it doesn't work.
It is important to realise that no attempt is made on the diagrams to represent components and wiring as they
appear in the vehicle geographically. However, for broad indications of relays, switches or consumers, refer to
Section 12N FUSES, RELAYS & WIRING HARNESSES in the VT Series Service Information CD.
For example, a meter length of wire is treated no differently in a wiring diagram from one which is only a few
centimetres long. Similarly, switches and other components are shown as simply as possible in schematic format
and in an activated state, with basic function being shown.