7. On sedan models, remove rear roof frame
cover (four retaining clips) and ‘C’ pillar trim
(five retaining clips, one scrivet).
8. Prise the lens from the roof lamp and r emove
the securing screws. Remove the roof lamp,
disconnect headlining harness connector.
Refer to Section 12B LIGHTING SYSTEM.
9. Open the passenger side front door and
driver’s side rear door.
10 Ease the headlining from its position in the
roof and turn the assembly so that it can be
passed through the passengers side front
door, rem oving the assem bly fr om the vehicle,
refer to Fig. 1A8-8.
Figure 1A8-7
11. On wagon models, remove rear quarter
window inner trim, refer to 2.3 MOULDING
TRIM - STATION WAGON in this Section.
12. Remove fir-tree fasteners.
13. Open tailgate and ease headlining out.
Figure 1A8-8
Reverse removal operations.