Located on the lower rear of blower motor housing
(1), the vacuum solenoid pack (2) now consists of a
band of six electronically activated vacuum
solenoids. Five are used to apply or remove
vacuum to vacuum actuators to alter the air
distribution positions. The remaining solenoid is
used to actuate the water valve.
Power is supplied to these solenoids through the
ECC control module. When a mode switch is
selected on the ECC control module, current flows
through appropriate solenoids and allows vacuum
to flow to the actuators. Rem oving this current flow
de-energises the solenoids and allows any vacuum
contained in the actuator and line to vent through
the front section of the solenoid.
NOTE: The six solenoid pack and five solenoid
pack are not interchangeable.
Vacuum provided by the engine is used to control
the ON/OFF functions of the vent modes and the
water valve.
The engine vacuum moves from the inlet manifold
to a vacuum tank located on the HVAC unit. This
vacuum tank is used to store vacuum when engine
vacuum is low such as at full engine throttle. A
check valve is fitted on the supply line from the
engine inlet manifold.
Vacuum generated within the inlet manifold is
applied to the vacuum solenoid pack through a
black plas tic vac uum tube. T he yellow vacuum tube
servicing the heater water valve actuator,
previously connected to the vacuum switch (deleted
component), is now connected directly to the
vacuum solenoid pack.
The operation of the water valve remains the sam e.
When vacuum is applied to the water valve
actuator, full closure occurs and no hot water can
flow through the heater core.
As the various ECC mode switches are selected,
the electronic solenoids are activated in the
solenoid pack causing vacuum to move to the
desired vacuum actuator through colour keyed
plastic tubing. Vacuum will activate the vacuum
actuator rod, which then moves a vent position door
or the water valve.
Fig. 2D-3 shows which vacuum actuators are
applied by vacuum in a certain mode.
Vacuum is vented f rom the vac uum actuator/plas tic
tube once the vacuum ECC m ode s witch is used to
select a different setting.
Figure 2D-2