This vehicle will be equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). A SRS will consist of either
seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's air bag, seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's and front
passenger's air bag s or seat belt pre- tensio ners, d riv er’s and fron t p asseng er’s air bag and lef t and rig ht
hand side air bags. Refer to SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Section 12M Supplemental Restraint System of the
VT Series I Service Information before performing any service operation on, or around any SRS
components, the steering mechanism or wiring. Failure to follow the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS could
result in SRS deployment, resulting in possible personal injury or unnecessary SRS system repairs.
This vehicle may be equipped with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). In the interests of safety, the LPG
fuel system should be isolated by turning 'OFF' the manual service valve and then draining the LPG
service lines, before any service work is carried out on the vehicle. Refer to the LPG leaflet included with
the Owner's Handbook for details or the appropriate Section of this Service Information CD for more
specific servicing information.
Whenever any component that forms part of the ABS or ABS/ETC (if fitted), is disturbed during Service
Operations, it is vital that the complete ABS or ABS/ETC system is checked, using the procedure as
detailed in 4 DIAGNOSIS, ABS or ABS/ETC FUNCTION CHECK, in Section 12L ABS & ABS/ETC, in either
of the VT Series I Service Information (V6) or the VT Series II Service Information (GEN III V8) of this
Service Information CD.
All fuses and circuit breakers for VT Series II Models carryover from that described in Section 12N, FUSES,
RELAYS AND WIRING HARNESSES, of the VT Series I Service Information, except as follows:
1. In the engine compartment fuse and relay panel assembly, an additional fuse has been added. Fuse F36 for
the throttle relaxer on vehicles with GEN III V8 engine has been added to the location shown in Fig. 12N-1.
2. In the passenger compartment fuse and relay panel assembly, (refer Fig. 12N-3), fuse F10 (starting and
charging circuit) has been deleted.
Fuse F9 has been added for the L.P.G s ystem (this change was made during VT production and incor porated
into VT 1.5 wiring diagrams – of the VT Series I Service Information).
For all fuse and circuit breaker circuit protection details, refer to 1 POWER DISTRIBUITON circuit diagram in
Section 12P, WIRING DIAGRAMS, of the VT Series II Service Information.