The starting system comprises the battery (1),
starter motor (5), ignition switch (2), start realay (3),
neutral/back -up switch (A - autom atic transm ission,
B – Manual transmission), Powertrain Interface
Module (PIM) (6), Powertrain Control Module
(PCM) (7), the Body Control Module (8) and related
electrical wiring. For additional infor m ation realating
to the interaction between the PIM, PCM and BCM,
refer to Section 12J-1 and Section 12J-2 of the
VT Series II Service Information
The s tarter m otor is a six pole, four brush type with
a planetary drive train. Each of the six poles is a
permanent magnet which is secured to the inside
diameter of the f ield f r ame ass embly. The armatur e
shaft which revolves centrally within the field f rame
assembly is supported at each end by metal
bushes pressed into the commutator end cover and
the inside of the planetary drive shaft.
The planetary drive train comprises a ring gear
(made from a high-grade polyamide compound with
mineral additives) with gear teeth on the inside
diameter, three planetary gear wheels and a
planetary drive shaft. When assembled, the
planetary drive shaft, which is flanged at one end
with three shafts machined onto the flange, is
positioned in the ring gear. The three gear wheels,
each m ounted on bushes, are f itted onto the shafts
on the flange of the planetary drive shaft where
they m esh with the internal teeth of the ring gear . A
metal bush is fitted into the recess in the flanged
end of the planetary drive shaft to provide a
mounting f or the end of the armature. A m etal ball,
also positioned in the recess limits the amount of
end float of the armature shaft. The cover plate is
positioned and secured over the gear end of the
Figure 6D3-2-2
The drive assembly is installed onto the planetary drive shaft, meshed with the gear on the drive shaft and
secured to the shaft by a stop ring and ring retainer. The combined assembly is installed into position in the
starter m otor drive-end housing. The planetary drive shaft is supported by a bush in the drive-end housing, while
the ring gear is located by the drive-end housing, providing positive and secure mounting of the drive shaft and
drive assembly.
When the starter motor is assembled, the teeth of the gear on the armature shaft mesh with the teeth on the
three planetary gears wheels. W hen the s tarter m otor is oper ated, drive f rom the arm ature causes the planetary
gear wheels to rotate and revolve around the inner diameter of the r ing gear which is f ixed in pos ition. This ac tion
causes the planetar y drive shaft to rotate and impar t drive into the dr ive as sembly. During operation of the star ter
motor the armature rotates the drive assembly at a reduced speed of approximately 3.36:1.
The bushes and planetary gears require lubrication only at the time of an overhaul.
The f our brushes ar e supported by the brush holder assem bly which is s ecured to the com m utator end cover by
screws. T wo brushes are grounded to the starter m otor body, via the comm utator c over retaining sc rew, and two
are insulated from the housing and c onnected to the c ommutator. Per manent magnets are pos itioned ar ound the
inside diameter of the field frame assembly and secured by brackets.
On the drive-end housing, a polyamide fork is used to engage the drive assembly with the flexplate/ring gear.
The drive assembly transmits cranking torque to the flexplate/ring gear. To prevent the armature from being
driven at exces sive speed by the engine, an internal clutch allows the drive assem bly pinion gear to rotate fr eely
in relation to the planetary shaft and armature when the engine begins to operate.