1. Remove the tonneau cover and support bows.
2. Remove the 'B' pillar moulding, refer Section 1A9 EXTERIOR ORNAMENTATION.
3. Remove the B/C pillar upper trim. Refer to Section 1A8 HEADLINING AND REAR END TRIM in this
4. Remove the quarter window. Refer to Section 1A6 STATIONARY GLASS in this Supplement.
5. The outer edges of the roof centre rear capping (5) is secured with retaining tangs on the upper and lower
surf aces . The tangs engage the r oof s ide capping and s hould be disengaged by using a clean shop rag and flat
tip screw driver to slightly spread the ends of the centre roof capping and prying the capping rearwards, refer
Fig 1A4-1.
6. Remove the roof centre rear capping (5) by inserting a flat tip screw driver and clean shop rag between the
lower edge of the capping, and the bac k window. Carefully prising the capping upwards and rearwards until f r ee
from its location. Where fitted, dis connect the high m ounted s top light wiring connector ( 10) fr om the rear of the
roof centre capping, refer Fig 1A4-1.
NOTE 1:Top edge of roof centre rear capping is secured with double sided tape to Holden Specification HN2021.
7. Remove the upper screw (4) from the roof side capping (3), rotate top rearward to release 3 clips then, ease
lower end of capping forward from under side rails removing the roof side capping.
8. Remove the six s c rews ( 1) from the quar ter panel upper moulding car ef ully disengage top rear cor ner from roof
finisher moulding locating tab and remove the moulding.
Figure 1A4-1
Install quarter panel upper moulding from rear
engaging top first.
Foam washers must be stuck to body.
Insert front screws first.
1. Screw (6 places)
2. Foam washer (5 places)
3. Roof side capping
4. Screw (1 Place)
5. Roof centre rear capping
6. Clip (5 places)
7. Foam washer (5 places)
8. Nut (1 place R/H & L/H)
9. Quarter panel upper