Before performing any Service Operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section
00 CAUTIONS AND NOTES for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
Stationary glass on VU Series models is bonded to the body openings with the exception of the quarter window,
which is secured with plastic nuts.
The windshield, which is laminated and features a tinted upper band, is bonded in the body opening w ith urethane.
The rear window, w hich has an electrically heated demist facility, is also bonded in the body opening w ith urethane.
Toughened safety glass is used for all the windows except the windshield.
For replacement of urethane bonded glasses, urethane service kits have been developed and must be used to
ma intain original installation requirements . Glass installed with urethane requir es either partial or com plete rem oval of
the urethane when replacing the glass.
Two diff e rent ins tallation methods ar e us ed when replacing the windshield or r ear window, a ‘short m ethod’ and a ‘long
method’. Partial removal of the urethane is referred to as the ‘short method’. Complete removal of the urethane is
known as the ‘long method’.
The short method is used where original urethane left on body opening pinch weld flanges after glass removal can
serve as a base for the new glass.
This method would be used in cases of replacement of cracked windshields or removal of glass that is intact. The
amount of urethane left in the glass opening can be controlled during glass rem oval, leaving the maxim um am ount of
original urethane intact on the body opening flange.
The long method is to be used when the original urethane left in the window opening, after glass removal, cannot serve
as a base for replacement glass. This method would be used in cases needing metal work or where paint refinishing is
required in the body opening; or in cases where the glass has been previously replaced using the short method. In
such instances, the build up of urethane could position the glass too high in the body opening. In these cases, the
original urethane is completely removed and replaced with new urethane during glass installation.