Before performing any Service Operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section
00 CAUTIONS AND NOTES for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
The f r ont lamp ass emblies as f itted to VU Ser ies Models c arr y over from VX Ser ies Models . F or information relating
to the front lamp assemblies, refer to Section 12B LIGHTING SYSTEM in the VX Series Service Information.
The side, and interior lamp assemblies as fitted to VU Series Models carry over from VT Series Models. For
information relating to side or interior lamps as fitted to VU Series Models, refer to Section 12B LIGHTING
SYSTEM in the VT Series Service Information.
The rear lam p as sem blies as fitted to VU Ser ies Models carr y over f rom VT Series Wagon Models. T hey com prise
a turn signal lamp, stop and tail lamp and back-up lamp in one unit. For information regarding the rear lamp
assemblies not covered in this Section, refer to Section 12B LIGHTING SYSTEM in the VT Series Service
The high level s top lamp on VU Series SS Models is an LED type lam p assem bly. The high level stop lamp is only
serviced as an assembly and is mounted into the roof centre rear capping.
The licence plate lamps are unique to the VU Series Models.