Caution: in order to minimise the chance of personal injury and/or property damage, carefully observe the
instructions that follow in this Section.
The Pas senger Vehicle Service Inf orm ation Package ( PVSIP) of HOLDEN LT D is intended for use by profess ional,
qualified, factory-trained technicians. Attempting repairs or service without the appropriate training, tools, and
equipment m ay cause injury to you or others. This could also cause dam age to the vehicle or cause the vehicle to
operate improperly.
Proper vehicle service and repair are important to the safety of the service technician and to the reliable operation of
all motor vehicles. If you need to replace a part, use the same part number or an equivalent part. Do not use a
replacement part of lesser quality.
The service procedures recommended and described in this Service Information are effective methods of
performing service and repair. Some of the procedures require the use of tools that are designed for specific
Accordingly, any person who intends to use a replacement part, a service procedure or a tool that is not
recom m ended by HOLDEN LTD, m ust f irst es tablish that there is no jeopardy to personal saf ety or the operation of
the vehicle.
This Service Information contains various CAUTIONS, NOTES and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS that you must
observe carefully in order to reduce the risk of personal injury during service or repair. Improper service or repair
procedures may damage the vehicle or cause it not to operate correctly. It is important to understand that these
CAUTIONS, NOTES and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS are not exhaustive. HOLDEN LTD cannot possibly warn of all
the potentially hazardous consequences of your failure to follow these instructions.
If you find an error in HOLDEN LT D Service Information, or if you have a suggestion about HOLDEN LTD Service
Information, we want to hear from you.
A fax can be forwarded to the HOLDEN LTD Service Department on 03 9647 2525.
When faxing, please supply the following information:
Your name.
Your dealership's name and dealer code number.
Your dealership's phone number.
The model year and the vehicle type.
The Passenger Vehicle Service Information Package (PVSIP) CD-Rom version number.
The vehicle identification number (VIN) of the vehicle being worked on.
The Service Information Section and page number(s).
HOLDEN LTD service personnel will respond to your concerns in the following ways:
By delivering your concern to the Service Information's author.
By eliciting a response from the author.
By supplying you with an answer to your concerns. Please be prepared to provide any applicable identification
numbers pertaining to the electronic information that you are questioning.
The HOLDEN LTD Service Department contact fax number does not provide technical assistance. For technical
assistance, contact your technical assistance source in the usual manner.
The diagnosis and repair procedures in HOLDEN LTD Service Information contains both general and specific
CAUTIONS, NO TES and IMPORT ANTS. HOLDEN LT D is dedicated to the presentation of service inform ation that
helps the technician to diagnos e and repair the s ystems nec ess ar y for the proper operation of the vehicle. However,
certain procedures may present a hazard to the technician if they are not followed in the recommended manner.
CAUTIONS, NOTES and IMPORTANTS are elements designed to help prevent these hazards, however not all
hazards can be foreseen.
These statements are placed at strategic locations within the Service Information. These statements are designed
to help prevent the following from occurring:
Bodily injury to the technician or others.
Damage to the vehicle.
Unnecessary vehicle repairs.
Unnecessary component replacement.
Improper repair or replacement of vehicle components.
W hen enc ountering a CAUTIO N statement, you will be asked to tak e a necessar y action or not to take a prohibited
action. If a CAUTION is not heeded, the following consequences may occur:
Bodily injury to the technician.
Bodily injury to other technicians in the workplace area.
Bodily injury to the driver and/or passenger(s) of the vehicle, if the vehicle has been improperly repaired.
A NOT E s tatem ent c alls special attention to a nec essar y action or a prohibited action. If a NO TE is not heeded, the
following consequences may occur:
Damage to the vehicle.
Unnecessary vehicle repairs.
Unnecessary component replacement.
Improper operation or performance of the system or component under repair.
Damage to any system or components which are dependent on the proper operation of the system or
component under repair.
Improper operation or performance of any systems or components which are dependent upon the proper
operation or performance of the system or component under repair.
Damage to fasteners, basic tools, or special tools.
The leakage of coolant, lubricant or other vital fluids.
IMPORTANT statements emphasise a necessary characteristic of a diagnostic or repair procedure.
Important statements are designed to do the following:
Clarify a procedure.
Present additional information for accomplishing a procedure.
Give insight into the reason or reasons for performing a procedure in the manner recommended.
Present information that will help to accomplish a procedure in a more effective manner.
Present information that gives the technician the benefit of past experience in accomplishing a procedure with
greater ease.
Caution: Certain components in the Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) are not intended to be serviced individually.
Attempting to remove or disconnect certain system components may result in personal injury and/or improper
system operation. Only those components with approved removal and installation procedures should be serviced.
Whenever any component that forms part of the ABS (if fitted) is disturbed during Service Operations, it is
vital that the complete ABS system is checked, using the procedure as detailed in 4 DIAGNOSIS, ABS
FUNCTION CHECK, in Section 12L ABS or ABS/ETC in either the VT Series I Service Information (V6) or
VT Series II Service Information (GEN III V8).
Caution: Befor e servicing any electric al com ponent, the ignition key must be in the O FF or LOCK position and all
electrical loads must be OFF unless instructed otherwise in these procedures. If a tool or equipment could easily
com e in contact with a live exposed electric al terminal, also dis connect the negative battery cable. Failure to follow
these precautions may cause personal injury and/or damage to the vehicle or its components.
Caution: Avoid taking the following actions when you service wheel brake parts:
Do not grind brake linings.
Do not sand brake linings.
Do not clean wheel brake parts with a dry brush or with compressed air.
While HOLDEN LTD incorporates brake parts that are not asbestos based in their material composition, some
models or after market brake parts may contain asbestos fibres which can become airborne in dust. Use a water-
dampened cloth in order to remove any dust on brake parts. Equipment is available commercially in order to
perform this washing function. These wet methods help prevent fibres from becoming airborne.
Caution: Brake fluid may be irritating to the skin or eyes. In case of contact, take the following actions:
Eye contact—rinse eyes thoroughly with water.
Skin contact—wash skin with soap and water.
While HOLDEN LTD incorporates clutch parts that are not asbestos based in their material composition, some
models or after market clutch parts may contain asbestos fibres which can become airborne in dust. Use a water-
dampened cloth in order to remove any dust on clutch parts. Equipment is available commercially in order to
perform this washing function. These wet methods help prevent fibres from becoming airborne.
Caution: Always wear protective safety glasses when working with spring type hose clamps.
Caution: Do not remove the radiator/surge tank cap while the engine coolant is above 50º C.
Caution: Electric engine cooling fans in the engine com partm ent c an star t up even when the engine is not running.
Keep hands, clothing and tools away from any underhood electric fan.
This vehicle may be equipped with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). As this fuel is heavier than air in the vapour
form , and in the interests of safety, the LPG fuel system should be isolated at the m anual shut-of f valve befor e any
service work is carried out on the vehicle. Refer to the LPG leaflet included with the Owner's Handbook for details or
Section 8A2 - LPG SYSTEM for more specific servicing information relating to this alternative fuel system. Only
authorised LPG dealers may service the LPG system itself.
Caution: In order to reduce the risk of fire observe the following guidelines:
Replac e all nylon fuel pipes that are nicked, sc ratched or dam aged during installation. Do not attempt to r epair
the sections of the nylon fuel pipes.
Do not hammer directly on the fuel harness body clips when installing new fuel pipes.
Damage to the nylon pipes may result in a fuel leak.
Always cover nylon vapour pipes with a wet towel before using a torch near them. Also, never expose the
vehicle to tem peratures higher than 115° C (239°F) f or more than one hour , or more than 90° C ( 194°F) for any
extended period.
Apply a few drops of c lean engine oil to the m ale pipe ends bef ore connec ting fuel pipe f ittings. T his will ensur e
proper reconnection and prevent a possible fuel leak. During normal operation, the O-rings located in the
female connector will swell and may prevent proper reconnection if not lubricated.
Caution: Always apply a few drops of clean engine oil to the male pipe ends before connecting fuel pipe fittings.
This will ensure proper reconnection and prevents possible fuel leak.
During norm al operation, the O-r ings located in the fem ale connec tor will swell and may prevent reconnection if not
Caution: Do not drain fuel into an open c ontainer. Never st ore fuel in an open container due to its highly flam m able
Caution: Petrol or petrol vapours are highly flammable. A fire could occur if an ignition source is present. Never
drain or store petrol in an open container. Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire extinguisher nearby.
Caution: Verify that the lower (small) O-ring of each injector does not remain in the lower manifold.
If the O- ring is not removed with the injec tor, the replacem ent injector with new O-rings will not seat properly in the
injector socket. Improper seating could cause a fuel leak, with the risk of fire.
Caution: While working around a running engine, avoid contact with moving parts and hot surfaces.
Caution: Relieve the fuel system pressure before servicing fuel sy stem components.
After relieving the fuel system pressure a small amount of fuel may be released when servicing the fuel lines or
connections. In order to reduce the chance of personal injury, cover the regulator and fuel line fittings with a shop
towel before disconnecting. This will catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the towel in an approved container
when the disconnection is complete.
NOTE: Do not allow the fuel pres sure to ex ceed the spec ified value bec ause dam age to the fuel pr essur e regulator
or the fuel pressure gauge may result.
Caution: Road test a vehicle under normal driving conditions and obey all traffic laws. Do not attempt any
manoeuvres that could jeopardise vehicle control.
Caution: Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to help prevent eye injury.
Caution: Always wear safety glasses when working with fuel in order to help protect the eyes from fuel splash.
Caution: Replace belts, retractors, and hardware in use during all but a minor collision. Also, restraint systems
should be replaced and anchorages properly repaired if they were in areas damaged by collision, whether the belt
was in use or not. If there is any question, replace the belt system. Dam age, whether visible or not, could result in
the restraint not functioning correctly in the event of an accident.
If a seat belt pre-tensioner is deployed, the seat belt pre-tensioner assembly together with the seat adjuster and
guide rail assembly must be replaced.
If disposing of an undeployed seat belt buckle and pre-tensioner assembly, refer to the disabling procedure in
Section 12M SUPPLEMENTA L RESTRAINT SYSTEM of the VT Series Service Information.
NOTE: To prevent possible seat belt damage, refer to the following items before servicing or replacing seat belts.
Seat belts must be serviced as follows:
All belts need to be serviced as a set to assure the belt components are from the same supplier.
All attachment hardware must be replaced, not reused.
Keep sharp edges and damaging objects away from belts.
Avoid bending or damaging any portion of the belt buckle or latch plate.
Do not bleach or dye belt or strap webbing. Clean with a mild soap solution and water.
When installing lap or shoulder belt anchor bolts, start the bolts by hand to ensure that the bolts are threaded
Do not attempt repairs on seat belt retractor mechanisms. Replace defective assemblies with new service
replacement parts.
Caution: Wrap a shop towel around the fuel pressure connection. The towel will absorb any fuel leakage that
occurs during the connection of the fuel pressure gauge. Place the towel in an approved container when the
connection of the fuel pressure gauge is completed.
Caution: This vehicle is equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS).
An SRS will consist of either s eat belt pr e-tens ioner s and a driver 's air bag, seat belt pre-tens ioners and driver's and
front pas senger 's air bags or s eat belt pr e-tens ioners , dr iver's and f r ont pass enger 's air bags and left and right hand
side front air bags.
VT Series I Service Information (V6) or VT Series II Service Information (GEN III V8) before performing any
service operation on, or around, any SRS components, the steering mechanism or wiring.
Failure to follow these SAFETY PRECAUTIONS could cause unwanted air bag deployment, or otherwise
unnecessary SRS repairs, or could result in the SRS not functioning correctly when required.
In order to help avoid acc idental air bag deployment, whenever you service a vehicle that requir es r epair of the SRS
and another vehicle system, we recommend that you first repair the SRS, then go on to the other system.
Caution: In order to prevent ac cidental deploym ent of the air bag, do not dispos e of an undeployed inflator m odule
as norm al shop waste. The undeployed inflator module contains substances that could cause personal injury if the
stored container is damaged during disposal.
Refer to the relevant air bag and/or pre-tensioner scrapping procedures in Section 12M SUPPLEMENTAL
RESTRAINT SYSTEM of either the VT Series I Service In formatio n (V6) or the VT Series II Serv ice In fo rmatio n
Caution: In order to avoid deploying the air bag when troubleshooting the SRS system, use only the equipment
specif ied in the r elevent Servic e Inf or mation and the instr uc tions given in the relevent Service Information. Failure to
use the specif ied equipm ent as instruct ed could cause air bag deployment, or unnecessary SRS system repairs , or
could result in the SRS not functioning correctly when required.
Caution: When components are removed from the vehicle and the vehicle is supported by a hoist, perform the
following steps:
Chain the vehicle to the hoist at the same end as the components that are being removed.
Ensure the vehicle is supported at the opposite end from which the components are being removed.
Caution: When working with any type of glass, use approved safety glasses and gloves.
Caution: When replacing stationary windows, Urethane Adhesive Kit Betaseal 554.02, or a urethane adhesive
system meeting HOLDEN LTD Specif ic ation HN1890, must be us ed to maintain original ins tallation integr ity. Failure
to use the urethane adhesive kit may result in poor retention of the window.
Caution: One or more of the following guidelines may apply when performing specific required tests in the work
When servicing a vehicle fitted with the ABS/ETC system, or an LSD rear axle, do not run the engine with the
transmission in gear and one rear wheel raised. If the ABS/ETC system is operational or the vehicle is equipped
with LSD, with the vehicle in this situation, the driving forc e will be transm itted to the wheel on the ground and cause
the vehicle to move.
When a test requires spinning the drive wheels with the vehicle jacked up, adhere to the following precautions:
Do not exceed 56 km/h when spinning one drive wheel with the other drive wheel stopped. This limit is
necessary because the speedometer indicates only one-half the actual vehicle speed under these conditions.
If all of the drive wheels are spinning at the same speed, do not exceed 112 km/h.
All persons should stay clear of the rotating components and the balance weight areas in order to avoid
possible personal injury.
W hen running an engine in the workshop for an extended period of time, use care not to overheat the engine
and the transmission.
W hen a test requires jacking up the vehicle and running with the wheels and brake rotors removed, adhere to the
following precautions:
Do not apply the brake with the brake rotors removed.
Do not place the transmission in PARK with the drive wheels still spinning.
Turn off the ignition in order to stop the powertrain components from spinning.
NOTE: Use the cor rect fas tener in the correc t location. Replacem ent f astener s m ust be the c orrec t part num ber f or
that application. Fasteners requiring replacement or fasteners requiring the use of thread locking compound or
sealant are identified in the service procedure. Do not use paints, lubricants or corrosion inhibitors on fasteners or
fastener joint surfaces unless specified. These coatings affect fastener torque and joint clamping force and may
damage the fastener. Use the correct tightening sequence and specifications when installing fasteners in order to
avoid damage to parts and systems.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage many solid state electrical components. Not all components that are
susceptible to dam age from ESD are labelled with the ESD symbol. Exercise caution when handling all solid state
electrical components.
Avoid damaging solid state electrical components by taking the following precautions:
1. Discharge personal electricity by touching a metal ground point after each of the following activities:
Sliding across the vehicle seat.
Sitting or rising.
2. Do not touch the exposed electric term inals on a component with your finger or a tool. T he connector that you
are checking may be tied into a circuit that is susceptible to damage by ESD.
3. Do not allow a screwdriver or a similar tool to contact exposed terminals when disconnecting a connector.
4. Do not remove the protective packing of the solid state component until you are ready to install the solid state
5. Unless specified in a particular diagnostic procedure, avoid the following activities:
jumpering components or connectors.
grounding components or connectors.
using test equipment probes on components or connectors.
6. When a diagnosis requires the use of test equipment probes, connect the ground lead first.
7. Touch the solid state component's package to a ground before opening.
8. Do not lay the solid state component in any of the following locations:
On a metal workbench.
On top of an electrically operating appliance or piece of equipment, such as a TV, radio or oscilloscope.
9. Do not drop the solid state component.
NOTE: Do not touch the connector pins or soldered com ponents on the circuit board as it m ay cause electrostatic
discharge (ESD) damage to the PCM.
NOTE: Always turn the ignition OFF when connecting or disconnecting battery cables, battery chargers or jumper
cables. Failure to do so may damage the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) or other electronic components.