Holden Assist
Please read this supplement before operating Holden Assist.
This supplement should be kept, together with the Owner's Handbook, in
the glovebox of your car.
Handbook supplement
part no 92107900
Holden Ltd. A.B.N. 84 006 893 232 (hereinafter Holden).
© 2001 Holden Ltd. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without
written approval from Holden Ltd. A.B.N. 84 006 893 232.
Printed in Australia
For your safety and security, please read
this booklet carefully before using
Holden Assist.
Setting up (incl. password) ....................5
Controls ...................................................6
Emergency button
Assist button
End call/information button
Status light and beeps
Incoming call
Available services ...................................8
Emergency connection
Remote door unlocking
Holden Roadside Assistance
Low battery alert
Accident enquiry
What happens if.....................................10
My car is in for servicing?
I sell my car?
I have owned the car for three years?
My car is involved in an accident?
I change phone numbers?
My car is stolen?
Notes .....................................................12
Maintenance / battery
Drive safely
Volume control
Service card
LPG conversion
Holden Assist uses some of the most advanced satellite and
telecommunications technology available by providing a two-way, hands-
free communication to either the Holden Assist Centre or, in the case of
an emergency, to the National Emergency Response Centre (NERCTM).
Holden Assist provides several services, some of which are remote door
unlocking, connection to Holden Roadside Assistance, low battery alert
and accident enquiry. In addition it will know if a theft of your car is
attempted, can then track the car and in certain circumstances, can turn
off the engine.
Holden Assist is an exciting new service, offering numerous features,
designed to enhance the motoring experience. Further features will be
available to Holden customers in the future, with technological advances.
The current services are, however, detailed in this supplement. Please
note that contact between the driver and a Holden Dealer or with Holden
Customer Assistance should still be made with the more traditional
communication. Customer Assistance can be reached on 1800 033349
and the phone numbers of Holden Dealers are provided in your Owner's
The link between your car and Holden Assist Centre or the National
Emergency Response Centre uses satellite and GSM (Global Systems
for Mobile communications) technology, which therefore geographically
restricts Holden Assist services. Signal strength may also be affected in
locations like basement car parks or tunnels. However, in most cases, as
the car emerges from the obstruction the signal will be available again.
If, after reading this booklet, there is anything you are not sure about, you
can always discuss further by calling the Holden Assist Centre on 1300
880 088, or simply press the Holden Assist button.
Holden Assist is initially provided for three years. Please refer to your
Holden Assist contract for terms and conditions.
NERCTM is a trademark of Intelematics Australia Pty Ltd
Setting upSetting up
Setting upSetting up
Setting up
To use Holden Assist, the system must first be set up and verified for you.
After taking delivery of your new car, press the Assist button (for longer
than one second) until you hear two beeps. You will be connected to an
operator who will require the following details:
• Your name and address.
• Contact phone numbers (as many as possible).
Holden Assist Centre require this information as they may need to
contact you, for example if they receive a "low battery" alert from your
car or, if it is stolen.
• Your password and perhaps a password hint.
A password can be up to 35 characters long (alpha, numeric or any
combination). The hint is a key that would help trigger your memory
of your password, if forgotten.
Your car's registration and ISOVIN (both are found on the registration
After providing the above information, there may be a delay on some of
the services (such as remote unlocking), while the Holden Dealer is
contacted to verify your ownership of the car, after-which Holden Assist
Services will be at your disposal.
Note that the above personal and car details are only required when the
system is first set up for you, after which you will only be required to
provide your password.
The password or contact details can be changed at any time by pressing
the Assist button and advising the operator you wish to alter some details.
Alternatively you may access the web page: www.holden.com.au to alter
your information on-line.
Your password should not be recorded in the car, in case the car is stolen.
The buttons for Holden Assist
are located on the lower edge of
the rear view mirror.
Your hands-free microphone is
located in the rear view mirror
and the speaker is inside the
dash board, on the left hand side.
Emergency button
You should only press this button when in an emergency situation (police,
fire or ambulance).
Press the + button for more than one second, until you hear two beeps.
You will be connected to an operator at the National Emergency Response
Note that if you pressed the button for less than one second you will hear
three beeps: try again.
For your safety (in case of the presence of an intruder), you cannot end
a call made by pressing the Emergency button. Therefore, if you have
held the Emergency button down for longer than one second, the call will
connect to the National Emergency Response Centre and you will have
to request them to end the call.
Assist button
To use Holden Assist services, press the Assist button for more than one
second until you hear two beeps.
You will be connected to an operator in the Holden Assist Centre. Please
have your password ready.
If you pressed the Assist button for less than one second you will hear
three beeps: try again.
End Call / Information button
To end a call made to the Holden Assist centre, hold down the End Call
button until you hear two beeps.
In the future, Holden Assist services may be extended to include
information services, which will be accessed by pressing this button.
Mirror, auto day/night switch
Cars fitted with Holden Assist are provided with an "electro-chromatic"
rear view mirror, which automatically reduces night headlight glare from
following cars in the mirror.
When the switch is set to ON (light to left of switch is glowing) the mirror
will automatically adjust between day and night view, as required; push
the switch to turn the control OFF, if permanent day view is required.
Note that rear view clarity is reduced when the mirror has dimmed the
glare at night.
Status light and beeps:
Flashing green light: call is
Steady green light: call is
Steady red light: car is not
within coverage area. This is
emphasised by 12 beeps when
turning off the ignition, to
highlight the message to the
driver that they about to leave
the car in a "shadow" location
which is untraceable by Holden Assist. In an area, such as the
basement of a car park, another car park space may be a better option.
Red and orange lights flashing plus twelve beeps when attempting a
call: car is not within coverage area.
When turning ignition ON, red and green lights flashing (for 30
seconds) plus 5 beeps: Holden Assist requires attention (may be in
service mode, indicating a malfunction or back-up battery requires
Incoming call
There are times that Holden Assist may need to call you in the car, for
example, if they are responding to an "air bag activation" alert from your
car and are checking to see if you need assistance. You will first hear a
ringing tone, followed by the operator's voice. The call will be automatically
picked up and disconnected for you; you will not have to press any
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Emergency connection (police/fire/ambulance)
Press the Emergency button for more than a second, until you hear two
beeps. You will be connected to an operator at the National Emergency
Response Centre.
The operator will attempt to determine your car's location using the
satellite system and contact the Police on your behalf. The Police may
then contact the ambulance service.
Remember that the End Call button only works for calls initiated by the
Holden Assist button; it cannot disconnect a call made by pressing the
Emergency button - only the operator can disconnect the call. Therefore,
if the operator loses connection with your car during the call, the police will
be contacted.
Note that for all non-emergency assistance, please use the Assist button.
It is important that the + button only be used in an emergency situation.
If you do press the Emergency button for a non-emergency situation, you
will be asked to press the Assist button and the operator will disconnect
the emergency call.
Remote door unlocking
If your keys are accidentally locked in the car, call the Holden Assist
centre, from outside the car on 1300 880 088. The operator will require
your password and car details. Once confirmed, the operator can remotely
unlock your car. Note that for security, the alarm will activate when the
door is opened. To turn the alarm off, locate your keys, insert the key in
the ignition and turn to the ON position (or allow the alarm to time-out).
Should you be some distance from your car (e.g. telephone box two
blocks away) the operator can impose a time delay, which will allow you
time to return to your car.
Note that to conserve the car's battery power, the Holden Assist system
will gradually put itself to sleep after a few days of non-use. It will still
instantly wake-up if a car theft is attempted. However, if your keys are
accidentally locked in the car, unlocking may be delayed for as much as
15 minutes due to "sleep mode" and after 5 days of "sleep mode" this may
have to be done by Holden Assist sending out security personnel.
Holden Roadside Assistance
Chapter 9 of your Owner's Handbook explains Holden Roadside
Assistance, which is designed to get your car mobile again. If you require
Holden Roadside Assistance to attend, use the Assist button. Once you
are identified, the operator can dispatch a service van to you if necessary.
Note that the operator will be able to pinpoint your location by satellite
Low battery alert
If your car's battery falls below a pre-set charge level, a "low battery" alert
is raised at the Holden Assist centre. An operator will attempt to call you
on the alternative contact numbers on your customer record, to alert you
to the situation.
If requested to do so, the operator will arrange for the battery to be
attended to, at your convenience.
If your car's alarm is triggered or if the battery is removed, an "unauthorised
entry" alert is raised at the Holden Assist centre. An operator will attempt
to contact the occupant of the car (via the two-way communication
system) and request your password. If the password cannot be given or
if they are unable to contact the occupant, the operator will try the
alternative telephone numbers on your customer record, as supplied by
Please remember to keep your details up to date, refer page 5.
If the operator is still unable to contact you, they will treat the alert as theft
and will hand the call over to the National Emergency Response Centre,
who will be able to contact the Police.
WARNING: For your personal safety, it is not advisable to return to
your car's last known whereabouts, if the Holden Assist operator
has contacted you advising of an "unauthorised entry" alert.
Please remember that if you turn the ignition key in the driver's door lock
cylinder to unlock, and then open the door, the alarm will activate. To
avoid false alarms, it is always advisable to press the unlock button on the
key to unlock doors. Also refer Chapter 2 of your Owner's Handbook.
False alarms may occur from time to time. In the event of a false alarm,
please be ready to provide your password.
If your car is stolen, staff at the National Emergency Response Centre,
under instruction from the Police, may use Holden Assist to pinpoint and
track your car.
Holden Assist may also be used to remotely turn off your car's engine.
This would occur when the Police have the car in sight and the car is
travelling at a safe speed or is stopped.
Accident enquiry
If your car is involved in an accident where the air bags and/or seat belt
pre-tensioners are activated, an "air bag activation" alert will be raised at
the Holden Assist centre (provided the equipment has not been damaged
by the accident).
If the Holden Assist operator is unable to contact you via the two-way
voice communication in the car, or if you cannot respond, the operator will
hand the call over to the National Emergency Response Centre, who will
be able to contact the Police. The Police may then contact the ambulance
What hat ha
t hat ha
t happens ifppens if
ppens ifppens if
ppens if......
my car is in for servicing?
If your car is being serviced, but not by a Holden Dealer, please use the
Holden Assist button (or call 1300 880 088), provide your password and
ask the operator to put the Holden Assist system into "Service Mode" (to
avoid false alarms). When in Service Mode, Assist centre contact will still
be available via the Holden Assist button, however alarms will be
When your car is no longer being serviced, press the Holden Assist button
(or call 1300 880 088) and request your car be taken out of Service Mode.
Don't forget you may be asked to confirm your password.
If your car is being serviced at a Holden Dealer they will have the
necessary equipment to put your car in and out of Service Mode for you.
I sell my car?
Holden Assist stays with the car, so if you sell your car during the initial
3 years, the new owner is still eligible for the balance of Holden Assist.
However, if you have sold your car, it is your responsibility to advise
Holden that you are no longer responsible for Holden Assist. This can be
done by either:
taking your car to a Holden Dealer for disconnection of the service
by the new owner signing the Holden Assist Customer Subscription
Service Agreement. A copy can be obtained from a Holden Dealer or
by pressing the Holden Assist button and requesting a copy.
I have owned the car for three years?
Your car is initially provided with three years of Holden Assist services.
After this time you may subscribe to Holden Assist, at your expense.
I buy a car fitted with Holden Assist equipment
You must sign the contract: Holden Assist Customer Subscription Service
I change phone numbers?
Please remember to contact the Holden Assist centre immediately if any
of your contact details change, refer page 5.
my car is involved in an accident?
The Holden Assist system, like any other part of your car, could be
damaged if your car is in an accident.
It is very important that you contact the Holden Assist centre as soon as
possible if your car has been involved in an accident (no matter how
minor) if you have reason to believe that your Holden Assist system is not
working correctly. You should have the system checked by your Dealer
as soon as possible.
my car is stolen?
Normally, if your car is stolen, Holden Assist will know of theft from the
car's "unauthorised entry" alert. However, if a theft occurs due, for
example, to leaving the keys in the car, please call the Holden Assist
centre on 1300 880 088.
Maintenance / battery
Your Holden Assist system does not require regular maintenance.
However, the system includes a back-up battery to ensure operation of
the Holden Assist services if the car's battery is damaged or disconnected.
The back-up battery has a life of between three to five years. A near-flat
battery is indicated by the status light flashing the "attention required"
signal (alternating red and green), refer page 7.
Your privacy is a high priority, which is why we have developed a series
of procedures that ensure the Holden Assist operators can only activate
Holden Assist services either at your request or after receiving a signal
from your car.
Drive safely
Please observe caution if using Holden Assist while driving. It is suggested
that you reduce speed, concentrate on the road or perhaps pull over.
Service card
This carries important information on how to contact us if you are away
from your car. It is therefore suggested that you keep it in your wallet or
Volume control
Please note that speaker volume for the Holden Assist system can be
adjusted in your car by your Dealer.
To reduce the likelihood of accidental calls it is recommended that
children should not be left unsupervised in the car.
LPG conversion
Fitting LPG to your car is not recommended and indeed may void your
warranty, to the extent that Holden considers the equipment affects the
operation of your car. In the event that after-market LPG is fitted, some
features of Holden Assist (such as turning off the engine remotely) will not