Abbreviations used in this Service Information are listed below in alphabetical order with an explanation of the
AC - A LTERNATING CURRENT - A current with varying magnitude.
ANALOG SIGNAL - An electrical signal that varies in voltage within a given parameter.
BAROMETRIC PRESSURE- Atmospheric pressure. May be called BARO, or barometric absolute pressure.
BATTERY - Stores chemical energy and converts it into electrical energy. Provide DC current for the vehicles
electrical systems.
CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR - The PCM uses this signal to determine the position of the No.1 piston in its
power stroke. This signal is used by the PCM to calculate sequential fuel injection mode of operation.
CAT. CONV. - CATALYTIC CONVERTER - A muffler-shaped device fitted in the exhaust system, between the
engine and the muffler. It is the primary "workhorse" of the emission control system, and the PCM's control of the
air/fuel ratio allows it to operate efficiently. It contains platinum, palladium and rhodium. It receives pollutants (HC,
CO, and NOx) emitted by the engine, and through a chemical reaction, converts these harmful pollutants into
harmless water vapour, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Maximum conversion efficiency of exhaust emissions is
achieved with precise control of the air/fuel ratio at 14.7-to-1.
CCP - CONVERTER CANISTER PURGE - A PCM controlled solenoid to purge the charcoal canister.
"CHECK POWERTRAIN" LAMP - W arning indicator with the outline of an engine. The "check powertrain lam p" is
located on the instrument panel, and is controlled by the PCM. "Check powertrain lamp" is illuminated by the PCM
when it detects a malfunction in the engine or transmission management system. "Check powertrain lamp" is on
and when the ignition is "ON" with the engine not running (bulb check).
CLOSED LOOP - A f uel control system mode of operation that uses the s ignal from the exhaust oxygen sensor, in
order to control the air/fuel ratio precisely at a 14.7 to 1 ratio, allowing maximum efficiency of the catalytic
CO - CARBON MONOXIDE - One of the pollutants found in engine exhaust.
DC - DIRECT CURRENT - A current with a constant direction.
DTC - DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE - The PCM can detect malfunctions in the engine or transmission
managem ent system. If a malfunction occurs, the PCM may turn on the "Check Powertrain" lamp, and a two-digit
code number will set in the PCM's memory. A diagnostic trouble code can be obtained from the PCM through the
"Check Powertrain" lamp, or with the Tech 2 scan tool. This DTC will indicate the area of the malfunction, and
properly following the service manual diagnostic procedures for the engine management system will locate the
source of the problem. NOTE: DTC 12 is used to verify that the PCM's diagnostic ability is operational.
DIAGNOSTIC "TEST" ENABLE TERMINAL - A terminal of the Data Link Connector (DLC) earthed to obtain a
Diagnostic Trouble Code by flashing out the MIL "Check Powertrain Lamp".
DIGITAL SIGNAL - An electrical signal that is either one of two states, "ON" or "OFF" with no in between.
DLC - DATA LINK CONNECTOR - The 16 pin connector used at the assembly plant to evaluate the control
module sy stem.
The c onnector is also us ed in service to f lash the Malfunction Indic ator Lam p (MIL) "Check Powertrain Lamp". This
connector is also used by the Tech 2 scan tool to make system checks.
DLC DATA STREAM - An output of the PCM, initiated by the Tech 2 scan tool sending a command to the PCM.
This output is a digital c om puter language s ignal, used by assem bly plant test equipment and the T ech 2 s can tool.
This signal is transmitted to the data link connector.
DRIVER - An electronic device, usually a power transistor, that operates like a switch; that is, it turns something
"ON" or "OFF."
DUTY CYCLE - The measurement of the length of time, in percentage, that a circuit is "ON" versus "OFF" when
compared with a 100% full ON/OFF time factor.
DVM (10 Meg.) - Digital voltmeter with 10 million ohms per volt impedance - used for voltage and resistance
measurement in electrical/electronic systems.
EECS - EVAPORATIVE EMISSIONS CONTROL SYSTEM - Used to prevent petrol vapours in the fuel tank from
entering the atmosphere. Stores the vapours in a storage canister, located in the engine compartment. Canister
contains activated charcoal, and the vapours are "purged" by engine vacuum during certain operating conditions.
memory (ROM) that can be electrically programmed, erased and reprogrammed.
EMI OR ELECTRICAL NOISE - An unwanted signal interfering with another needed signal; like an electric razor
upsets a television picture, or driving under high voltage power lines upsets the AM radio in a vehicle.