A list of ex planations for each data m essage disp layed on the Tec h 2 scan tool begins as follows. This inf ormation
will assist in tracking down em ission or driveability problems, since the displays can be viewed while the vehicle is
being driven. Refer to the "On-Board Diagnostic System Check" for additional informational.
ENGINE SPEED - Range 0-9999 RPM - Displays the PCM's interpretation of actual engine speed, as received
from the reference input signal. Displays in increments of 1 RPM. Often useful to detect if extra reference pulses
are suspected. A sudden high RPM indication while at a steady throttle would indicate electrical interference in the
reference input signal circuit. This interference is usually caused by PCM wires too close to ignition secondary
wires or an open reference earth circuit.
VEHICLE SPEED - Range 0-255 KM /H - Displays the PCM's interpretation of vehicle speed as received from the
PCM. If this position indicates no vehicle speed (zero), but the speedometer shows otherwise, then a Diagnostic
Trouble Code 24 will eventually set. Also useful for checking speedometer accuracy.
TPS VO LTAGE - Range 0-5.10 VO LTS - This position shows the T hrottle Position sensor signal input to the PCM.
Values read will be in voltage and will interpret the throttle opening to the PCM. T he voltage should between 0.25 -
1.25 volts with the throttle closed and go up to approximately 4.5 volts at Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
TPS ANGLE - Range 0-100% - This display is the PCM's interpretation of the percentage of throttle opening. TPS
angle should display zero (0%) with the throttle closed and 100% at Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
ECT SENSOR VOLTS/ENG COOLANT TEMP - Range -40 degrees to 151 degrees C/ 0 - 5.10 Volts - The
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the inlet manifold and sends engine temperature
inform ation to the PCM applies 5 volts to the coolant tem per ature sens or circ uit. T he sensor circ uit. The sensor is a
therm istor which c hanges inter nal r esistanc e as tem perature c hanges. When the s ensor is c old (internal r esistance
high), the PCM monitors a high signal voltage which it interprets as a cold engine. As the sensor warms (internal
resistance decreases), the voltage signal will increase, the voltage signal will decrease and the PCM will interpret
the lower voltage as a warm engine.
TFT SENSOR VOLTS/TRANS FLUID TEMP - Range -40 degrees C to 151 degrees C/ 0 - 5.10 VOLTS - This
position will display the PCM's interpretation of temperature in the transmission. The Transmission Fluid
Tem per ature (T FT ) sens or is mounted in the valve body and is wired to the PCM. The PCM m onitor s the differenc e
in voltage between two terminals, and the T ECH 1 sc an tool will display TFT in voltage and a tem peratur e shown in
degrees Celsius. The TFT sensor reading should read close to the air temperature when the transmission is cold,
and increases as the transmission fluid temperature increases. After the engine is started the temperature should
rise steadily to about 82 degrees C- 94 degrees C then stabilise.
TFP SWITCH A/B/C VOLTS - Range 0 Volts or 12 VOLTS - These values represent the three fluid pressure
switch ass em bly signals. These lines are norm ally high and are taken low as the f luid pressure switch interprets the
manual valve position. The sequence of these signals is decoded by the PCM to determine the appropriate gear
range. O volts indicates closed, and 12 volts indicates open.
TFP GEAR - Tech 2 Displays P/N-R,D,3,2,1 - This value represents the decoded sequence of the Transmission
Fluid Pressure Manual Valve Position Switch Assembly (TFP). The TFP is used to determine the manual valve
position. The manual valve position is an input to the PCM used to control line pressure, TCC, and shift solenoid
PRNDL SWITCH - T ech 2 Displays Invalid or P, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1 - This dis plays if the vehicle is not equipped with
a PRNDL switch ( Invaded), or if equipped, indicates what gear the driver has selected.
O/D, DRIVE 3/D, DRIVE 2, DRIVE 1. T he scan tool dis plays the dec oded position of the trans miss ion Park/Neutr al
range switch (PRNDL). This information is then sent to the instrument panel and is displayed to the operator.
TR SWITCH A (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission Park/Neutral range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH B (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission PARK/NEUTRAL range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH C (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission Park/Neutral range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH P (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission PARK/NEUTRAL range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
1-2 SHIFT SOLENOID, 2- 3 SHIFT SOLENOID - T he 2 Disp lays "ON" or "OF F" - This dis plays the "ON" or "O FF "
state of the two shift solenoids. The shift solenoids are turned "OFF" or "ON" to change gears.
1-2 AND 2- 3 SHIFT SO LENOID FEEDBACK - The 2 Displays ON/OF F - T he 2 Displays "ON" or "OFF" - These
values represent the true electrical state of the solenoids. The PCM uses this information to set malfunction DTC's.