57 – BATTERY FEED – T his supplies the PCM with full tim e B+ volts. This circuit stays hot even when the ignition
is turned off. The battery voltage feed circuit receives it’s voltage fuse F31.
58 – SERIAL DATA (CLASS II) –This is a dedicated line for the Tech 2 scan tool communication. The circuit
connects the PCM, PIM, ABS/ET C, and BCM. The Tec h 2 scan tool can talk to eac h of these m odules by sending
a message to a controller and asking only it to respond. The communication carried on Class II data streams are
prioritised. The normal voltage on this line is 0 volts, but when the Tech 2 scan tool is connected, the voltage will
about 7 volts indicating communication.
60 – THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR EARTH – This terminal should have zero volts. This circuit is connected
directly to the earth through the PCM.
61 – CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR REFERENCE LOW – This terminal should always be zero volts. It is
connected from the PCM to the CMP sensor and provided the earth signal needed for the sensor to operate.
63 – OIL PRESSURE SENSOR EARTH – This ter minal s hould always be zero volts. It is c onnected from the PCM
to the oil pressure sensor and provides the earth signal needed for the sensor to operate.
66 – BANK 2 SENSOR 1 OXYGEN SENSOR SIGNAL HIGH – With the ignition ON and the engine not running,
the voltage should be 350 – 450 millivolts (0.350 0.450 volts). This is the PCM supplied HO2S circuit bias voltage.
W hen the HO2S is hot and the engine is running, the voltage should be rapidly changing, somewhere between 10
– 1000 millivolts (0.010 – 1000 volts).
69 – BANK 1 SENSOR 1 HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR SIGNAL HIGH – W ith the ignition ON and the engine not
running, the voltage should be 350 – 450 millivolts (0.350 0.450 volts ). This is the PCM s upplied HO2S circuit bias
voltage. When the HO2S is hot and the engine is running, the voltage should be rapidly changing, somewhere
between 10 – 1000 millivolts (0.010 – 1000 volts).
71 – POWER/ECONOM Y SWIT CH INPUT – T he PCM sends a signal of about 12 volts , and m onitors the status of
this circuit. In the ECONOMY position the switch is open, the PCM voltage status signal remains high – about 12
volts, and the PCM does not allow shift point changes. When the transmission switch is pressed to the POWER
position the switch is momentarily closed and the PCM voltage status signal is momentarily pulled low. The PCM
senses the momentary voltage signal drop and enables power mode shifting only if other criteria are met. These
criteria include throttle position and engine speed.
72 – PRNDL B – Th is circuit along with the circ uits on PCM connector pins J1 32, 34 & J2 62 indicate to the PCM
what transm ission gear the driver has selected. T he PCM will then send a com mand via the serial data line to the
instrument panel cluster (smart cluster) to indicate to the driver what gear has been selected.
73 – CAM SHAFT POSIT ION SENSOR INPUT SIGNAL – This s ignal indicates to the PCM when number 1 cylinder
is on the compression stroke.
74 – ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR SIGNAL – The PCM sends a 5 volt signal voltage to the
Engine Coolant Temperature sensor, which is a temperature variable resistor called thermistor. The sensor, being
also connected to earth, will alter the voltage according to engine coolant temperature. As the engine coolant
temper ature incr eases, the voltage s een on term inal C1 74 decr eases. At 0 degrees C engine coolant tem perature,
the voltage will be above 4 volts. At normal operating temperature, the voltage will be less than 2 volts. The PCM
uses this signal for fueling.
76 – FUEL INJECTOR #5 DRIVER – With the engine OFF and the ignition O N, the voltage should be B+. With the
engine running at idle, the charging s ys tem inc reases the battery voltage slightly, s o this voltage will increase. With
higher engine RPM or more engine load, the resulting increase in injector pulse frequency or injector pulse width
will cause this voltage to become slightly less.
77 – FUEL INJECTOR #8 DRIVER – With the engine OFF and the ignition O N, the voltage should be B+. With the
engine running at idle, the charging s ys tem inc reases the battery voltage slightly, s o this voltage will increase. With
higher engine RPM or more engine load, the resulting increase in injector pulse frequency or injector pulse width
will cause this voltage to become slightly less.
79 – 3-2 SHIFT SOLENOID CONTROL- The 3-2 shift solenoid is a normally closed, pulse width modulated
solenoid used to contr ol the 3-2 downshif t. The PCM oper ates the 3-2 s hift solenoid at a frequenc y of 50 Hz (cycles
per second). The solenoid is constantly fed B+ and the PCM controls the length of time the path to earth for the
electrical circuit is closed.
80 – ENGINE COOLANT TEM PERAT URE SENSOR EART H – This term inal should have zero volts. T his circuit is
connected directly to the earth through the PCM.