The wiring diagrams contained in this Section are the specific wiring diagrams for the MY2003 WH Series II
Update Models, introduced during October 2002, and are intended to be used in conjunction with the wiring
diagrams provided in Section 12P, WIRING DIAGRAMS in the VT Series I, VT Series II, VX Series I and
VX/VU/WH Series II Service Inform ation. Section 12P, WIRING DIAG RAMS in the VT Series I Ser vice Inform ation
also contains additional information on developing a diagnostic procedure for electical circuit diagnosis, electrical
circuit test procedures, diagnostic tests and wiring repair procedures.
Additional wiring, wiring harness and specific wiring harness installation information are also contained in
Section 12N, FUSES, RELAYS AND WIRING HARNESSES in the VT Series I, VT Series II, VX Series I and
VX/VU/WH Series II Service Information.