The engine mechanicals for VX, VU and W H Series II Models fitted with a Gen III V8 engine carry over from VX
Series I Models, noting the following:
• The cylinder head gasket as fitted to VX, VU and WH Series II Models has changed from a (non-asbestos)
composite type gasket to a multi-layer steel type gasket for improved durability.
• The cylinder head gaskets are no longer side specific.
• The flywheel has been revised from a two piece welded flywheel and ring gear assembly to a one piece pressed
flywheel assembly for greater strength.
For information relating to the engine mechanicals for VX, VU or WH Series II Models fitted with a Gen III V8
engine, refer to Section 6A3 ENGINE M ECHANICAL - GEN III V8 ENGINE in the VX Series I Servic e Inform ation,
in conjunction with Section 6A3 ENGINE MECHANICAL - GEN III V8 ENGINE in the VT Series II Service