Cooling system service operations carry over in general from those described in Section 6B1-2 ENGINE COOLING
- V6 SUPERCHARGED ENGINE, in conjunction with Section 6B1-1 ENGINE COOLING - V6 ENGINE, in the VT
Series I Service Information except for the following operations.
1. Before removing the radiator cap, allow the engine to cool, then place a shop rag over the radiator cap and
slowly turn the cap anti-clockwise, without pressing down until the cap reaches the first 'stop'. This is the
pressur e relief stop, which will allow any rem aining press ure within the system to escape. T hen press down on
cap and continue to rotate the cap anti-clockwise until it can be removed.
2. The vehicle is fitted with radiator electric cooling fans. W hen working around the engine compartm ent with the
engine running or with the ignition 'ON', keep clear of the fan as it may start operating without warning.
3. The cooling system requires little care except for maintaining the coolant to the correct level in the recovery
reservoir and periodic servicing at the time or distance intervals as outlined in the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series
Owner's Handbook.
Periodic servicing includes:
a. Checking the coolant level, refer to 2.3 CHECKING AND FILLING COOLING SYSTEM in Section 6B1-2
ENGINE COOLING – V6 SUPERCHARGED ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information.
b. Checking the coolant concentration, refer to 2.2 GLYCOL COOLANT MAINTENANCE – Testing Coolant
Concentration in Section 6B1-1 ENGINE COOLING – V6 ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information.
c. Pressure test the cooling system and radiator cap, refer to 2.7 PRESSURE TESTING in Section 6B1
ENGINE COOLING – V6 ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information.
d. Tighten the hose clamps and inspect all hoses, refer to 2.2 COOLING SYSTEM HOSES in this Section.
Replace hoses if swollen or deteriorated.
CAUTION: Always wear protective safety glasses when working with spring type hose clamps.
Failure to do so could result in eye injury.
e. Clean out the c ooling system, ref er to 2.4 CLEANING COOLING SY STEM – COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH,
in Section 6B1-1 ENGINE COOLING – V6 ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information and refill the
cooling system, refer to 2.3 CHECKING AND FILLING COOLING SYSTEM in Section 6B1-2 ENGINE
COOLING – V6 SUPERCHARGED ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information.
4. To reduce environmental impact and maintenance cost, whenever the coolant is drained from any engine, the
service r ecor ds are to be c hec k ed to deter mine when the coolant was last c hanged. If mor e than six months life
is left before the next coolant change, then the following procedure is to be followed:
a. W hen draining the coolant from the engine, use a clean container of at least 12 litres capacity and ensure
that the coolant is not contaminated in the draining process.
b. After repairs have been completed, refill the engine cooling system with the drained coolant.
c. Top up as required, using a 50/50 mix of clean water and the recommended coolant, which is ‘New Formula
Long Life All Seasons Coolant’. Refer to 2.2 GLYCOL COOLANT MAINTENANCE in Section 6B1-1
ENGINE COOLING – V6 ENGINE in the VT Series I Service Information and 2.3 CHECKING AND
the VT Series I Service Information, for the necessary procedures and further information.