The exhaust system fitted to WH Series II Models carries over from WH Series I Models, noting the following:
• The intermediate exhaust pipe has been revised to allow for the additional control arm componentry.
For information relating to the exhaust system fitted to WH Series II Models, refer to Section 8B EXHAUST
SYSTEM in the WH Series I Service Information in conjunction with Section 8B EXHAUST SYSTEM in the
VT Series I and VT Series II Service Information.
NOTE: T he interm ediat e e xhaust p ipe as fitt ed to VX and W H Series II M odels is not m utuall y int erchan gabl e with
the interm ediat e pi pe as f itted to VT Series I and II, VX Seri es I an d WH Series I Models . A lthou gh th e i nterm ediate
pipe as fitted to VX and WH Series II Models can be used to service previous models fitted with corresponding
drivetrai n com binations, th e Series I ( older) t ype interm ediate exha ust pipe can not be used to servic e VX and W H
Series II Models.