LT Section No. – 11-030
The liftgate window ass embly removal pr ocedure is the s ame f or both the short and the long inst allation methods,
with one exception. If the short method installation is to be used, more care must be taken during the liftgate
window removal to ensur e that an even surfac e of the original rem aining urethane exis ts in the liftgate opening, to
serve as a base for the new urethane bead and the replacement liftgate window.
To prevent damage and to m inim ise clean up of the paint f inish and the trim , m ask -up and place protective covers
over parts adjacent to the liftgate.
If required, remove the following components:
1. Rear window w iper arm assembly, refer to Section 1A4, 4.10 REAR WINDOW WIPERS ASSEMBLY.
2. High mount stop lamp, refer to Section 1A4, 4.12 HIGH MOUNT STOP LAMP ASSEMBLY.
3. Liftgate window lower garnish, refer to Section 1A4, 4.1 LIFTGATE WINDOW LOWER GARNISH.
4. Liftgate window upper garnish, refer to Section 1A4, 4.4 LIFTGATE WINDOW UPPER GARNISH.
5. Liftgate Air Deflector Assembly, refer to Section 1A4, 4.9 LIFTGATE AIR DEFLECTOR ASSEMBLY.
1. Carefully disconnect the liftgate window assembly electrical demister connectors.
2. Should the liftgate window be broken, carefully remove all fragments of glass from the window opening.
3. If the window is intact, carefully cut out the liftgate window by following the procedure set out in Steps 3 to 6,
CAUTION: Ensure that door windows are partially lowered to eliminate pressure build up which can be
caused by slamming doors. A curing time of 24 hours is recommended, although the vehicle may be
driven after 5 hours, providing it is driven only on a smooth road at speeds not exceeding 80 km/h with
the door windows partially lowered.
The s hort method ins tallation involves the maximum amount of the or iginal ur ethane being lef t intac t on the lif tgate
opening to form a sound base for the replacement urethane and liftgate window assembly.
This method is recommended when replacing a cracked or broken window, or a leak condition that cannot be
overcome by using minor water leak repair procedures, refer to 2.1 MINOR WATER LEA K CORRECTION.
If material other than urethane has been used for previous servicing of the liftgate window, the long method
installation procedure (complete removal of adhesive) is mandatory to achieve an effective window to metal bond.
CAUTION 1: Care should be taken to ensure that the liftgate window does not strike the liftgate window
opening. Chipped edges can lead to subsequent breakage of the window.
CAUTION 2: Do not use petroleum based solvents to clean the liftgate window assembly or the liftgate
opening flange, as the presence of the oil in the solvent will prevent the adhesion of the new urethane.
1. Using a sharp scraper, carefully remove any
original urethane from around the liftgate window.
Clean the liftgate window to be installed with a
suitable oil free cleaning agent.
2. To check for correct alignment, temporarily place
the liftgate window in the liftgate opening.
3. Ensure the liftgate window is centralised in the
liftgate opening left to right, by checking that the
gaps between the liftgate window and liftgate
opening are even on both sides of the vehicle.
4. With masking tape (1), mark the outer top and side
of the liftgate.
NOTE: This procedure will assist in the alignment of
the window in the correct horizontal and vertical plane
during final window installation.
5. Remove and place the liftgate window assembly
face down on a clean protected surface or fixture.
Figure 1A6-48