This Section describes the replacement of the radiator grille and lower radiator grille assemblies fitted to MY 2003
VY and V2 Series vehicles.
With the ex c eption of Coupe vehic les, the r adiator gr ille ass embly is attached to the front bumper f as c ia. For Coupe
it is moulded as part of the front bum per fascia and reference should be made to Section 1D BUMPER BARS for
servicing procedures. Four key styles are offered for Sedan, Wagon and Utility vehicles depending on Model Level.
• Model Level 1, except S Sedan and SS – A one piece, two bar design for domestic vehicles or a one piece
single bar design with a separate centre escutcheon for export vehicles.
• S Sedan and SS – A one piece, single bar design with a separate centre escutcheon for export vehicles.
• Model Level 2 and expor t Model Level 3 – A two piece assem bly featuring a s eparate inner and a f ull perim eter
outer trim . A two bar design for dom estic vehicles or a s ingle bar des ign with a separate centre escutcheon for
export vehicles.
• Domestic Model Level 3 – A two piece assembly featuring a separate two bar inner and an outer trim for the
side and lower edges.
Three styles of lower radiator grilles are offered that also attach the front bumper fascia.
• Model Level 1 except S Sedan & SS, – A two bar design attached to the rear of the bumper fascia.
• Model Level 2 & 3 – A full width single bar design attac hed to the r ear of the bumper fascia. Level 3 is the same
as Level 2 but is modified to accommodate the front fog lamp assemblies.
• Coupe – A full width single bar design incorporating fog lamp openings, attached to the front of the bumper
S Sedan and SS vehicles are not fitted with a separate lower radiator grille assembly.
As the Model Level 1, 2 and 3 lower radiator gr ille assem blies attach to the rear of the bumper fasc ia assem bly, the
fascia assembly must be removed first, refer to Section 1D BUMPER BARS.
For Model Level designation details, refer to Section 0A GENERAL INFORMATION.