The paint s ystem f o r the bumper fascias and other painted plastic c omponents is relatively straightf or ward providing
the correct materials are used. Normal refinish lacquers will not adhere to plastic components unless the correct
primers and/or additives are used.
NOTE: Thorough cleaning and the use of approved paint and additives or their equivalent is required. Incorrect
materials and methods may damage the plastic or lead to premature paint failure.
The f ollowing s er vice r ecommendations ar e c ompiled to guide repair ers on the c orr ec t materials and methods to be
employed when refinishing bum per f asc ias and preparing new parts for service ins tallation. If another paint brand is
chosen, refer to the manufacturer’s latest technical data for the appropriate materials and procedures required.
Where fitted, the rear bumper fascia assembly contains four sensor assemblies for Reverse Parking Aid (RPA).
The exposed end of the sensor assembly is painted the vehicle’s body colour. New service sensor assemblies are
supplied pre-painted in the vehicle’s body colour and must not have any further paint applied.
IMPORTANT: If r epainting a fascia as sem bly, the s ensors and rings MUST be rem oved. Paint m ust not be applied
to any part of a sensor, including the exposed coloured surface. Paint film applied to the exposed surface will render
the sensor inoperable as the paint film restricts the sensor’s ultra-sonic signal. If a sensor is damaged, it must be
Replacement housings are supplied unpainted. As they are partially exposed when installed, they will require
painting using the same procedures for painting the bumper fascia, described below.
NOTE: It is preferable to paint the housings and bumper fascia separately to avoid adhesion problems. Assemble
the housings onto the bum per fasc ia once the paint has cured, ref er to 2.5 REAR BUM PER FASCIA ASSEM BLY,
SEDAN & COUPE – Reverse Parking Aid Components.
For further information on reverse parking aid, refer to Section 12F REVERSE PARKING AID.
Front and rear bumper fascias are made from high impact strength Polypropylene (PP).
It is essential that only approved materials, paints, etc. or their equivalent are employed when paint repair
operations are performed and when preparing new parts for installation to the vehicles.
The approved materials are:
- PPG Bodykleen 920-30509
- PPG Plastpak Universal Anti Static Cleaner 920-39237
- PPG Plastpak Universal Primer 499-38571
- PPG Plastpak Flexible Additive for Two Component Products 499-35484
- PPG Cobra Basecoat - Colour 534 Line
- PPG Basecoat Thinner 920-34926
- PPG 2K Clearcoat 455-30900
- PPG 2K Acrylic Enamel Solid Colour 426 Line
- PPG 2K MS Hardener Normal 980-35239
- PPG 2K Reducer Fast 920-9148
Replacement parts will require priming and coating with approved topcoat colour before installation to the vehicle.
1. Order part and paint materials.
2. Read all safety data material relative to the paint system chosen from the paint manufacturer and the
HARDENER PRECAUTIONS further in this Section.
3. Obtain the required respiration and safety equipment recommended by the paint manufacturer, in this
publication or required by regulations.
4. Wash the unpainted bumper fascia all over with a made-up solution of 9 parts fresh water to 1 part PPG
Bodykleen 920-39237. Apply with a clean, non-metallic pad (recommended Scotchbrite** 448) to scuff the