LT Section – 02-200
The battery releases an explosive hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture during charging. Ensure that there are no
naked flames or sparks near the battery.
Flat batteries can be safely boost-charged, however, avoid excessive charging current if the battery is more than
half charged. Slow charging is best.
Fast charging can substantially boost a battery, but slow charging is necessary to fully charge the battery.
Do not use a fast charger:
• for starting the vehicle
• if the specific gravity readings are not uniform between battery cells
• if the specific gravity readings are above 1.20
• if the electrolyte is discoloured with brown sediment
• if any of the above three conditions develop after beginning a fast charge.
1. If a ‘constant voltage’ charger is used, charge the battery at 14.5 to 15.0 volts. The battery automatically
regulates the current to a safe level.
2. Check the battery charger specifications to determine the type of charger.
3. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for battery charging.
4. Perform the TECH 2 Learn BCM Settings procedur e. Ref er to Sect ion 12J, 3.9 PROGRAM, F3: LEARN BCM
5. For vehicles fitted with Telematics, refer to Section 12K, TELEMATICS before performing any service work.
6. Refer to Section 00, 5, BATTERY DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES before disconnecting the battery.
NOTE: Switch the ignition off when connecting or disconnecting battery cable terminals. Failing to do so can
damage electronic components.
7. Remove the battery from the vehicle. Refer to 2.9 BATTERY in this Section.
8. Rem ove the vent caps and c heck the elec trolyte level in each cell. Refer to 2.2 BAT TERY INSPECTIO N in this
9. Add distilled water as necessary to correct the level. Refer to 2.2 BATTERY INSPECTION in this Section.
10. Rest the caps loosely in the filler tubes.
11. Connect the battery to the battery charger.
CAUTION: Ensure that the connections are to the correct polarity.
12. Set the charging current using the following table as a guide.
Slow charge 4 amps 24 hrs
Fast charge 35 amps 2 hrs
13. Af ter a f ew minutes, c heck the c olour and specif ic gravity of the electrolyte. Refer to 2.3 HYDROMETER TEST
in this Section.
14. Monitor the electrolyte temperature while the battery is charging.
15. If the temperature reaches 55°C:
a. sw itch the charging current off,
b. allow the battery to cool,
c. reduce the charging current, and
d. restart charging the battery.
16. For the best results, charge the battery with the electrolyte and plates at room temperature. An extrem ely cold
battery may not appear to accept current for several hours after starting the battery charger.
17. Connect a fast-charged battery to a slow-charger for a few hours to bring the battery to the fully charged
condition. Ensure the last few hours of charge do not exceed 1 amp.
18. Check the voltage and specific gravity each hour.
19. Stop the slow charging when there is no change in voltage or electrolyte specific gravity over three checks.
20. Install the battery in the vehicle. Refer to 2.9 BATTERY in this Section.
21. Perform the Program Learnt BCM Settings procedure. Refer to Section 12J, 3.9 PROGRAM, F4: PROGRAM
NOTE: Charging a battery many times or at higher current rates can significantly reduce the life of the battery.