To provide a means of checking the brake switch, clutch switch, cruise release switch, speed sensor inputs and
electro-motor operation, the cruise control system incorporates a self diagnostic facility.
Following the SELF DIAGNOSTIC TEST CHART is a detailed Diagnostic Chart to pin point the cause of a cruise
control system malfunction. Refer to 3.5 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC CHART in this Section.
Carry out the Self Diagnostic Test as outlined.
Jack up the vehicle and support on saf ety stands. Ref er to Section 0A GENERAL INFORMAT ION f or the location
of jacking points. Ensure that the drive shafts are horizontal.
Follow Steps 1 – 23 in the SELF DIAGNOSTIC TEST CHART and perform each function as requested. If at any
stage during this tes t the system does not func tion as nominated (CRUISE or ACTIVE icon illum ination), repair the
fault as necessary.
NOTE: If at any time during Steps 1 – 23 of the diagnos tic test the ignition is switched off , the cruise control system
will exit diagnostic mode and return to normal operating conditions.
Self Diagnostic Test Chart ICONS
(Refer to Figure 12E-40)
1 Turn ignition OFF OFF OFF Clears memory of any pre-set speed.
2 Press and hold in the ON-OFF push-button OFF OFF
3 Turn ignition ON ON OFF Triggers diagnostic test. ON-OFF push-
button must be held until Step 13.
4 Wait 5 seconds ON OFF Waits for LOW TRAC warning icon to
switch OFF (if fitted).
5 Rotate and hold SET-DECEL position ON ON
6 Release SET-DECEL position ON OFF Tests SET-DECEL function of cruise
control switch assembly.
7 Rotate and hold RES-ACCEL position ON ON
8 Release RES-ACCEL position ON OFF Checks RES-ACCEL function of cruise
control switch assembly.
9 Press and hold brake pedal ON ON
10 Release brake pedal ON OFF Checks cruise control electrical release
switch (switch B).
11 Press and hold clutch pedal (man. trans.)
brake pedal (auto. trans.) ON ON
12 Release clutch pedal (man. trans.) brake
pedal (auto. trans.) ON OFF
This Step is included for vehicles with
manual transmission. If the vehicle is
fitted with automatic transmission, then
the brake pedal must be pressed and
released to enable the completion of
the switch diagnostic test.
13 Release ON-OFF push-button ON ON
14 Press and hold in the ON-OFF push-button OFF OFF Enters the second stage of the
diagnostic mode to check the ON-OFF
switch and cruise control warning
15 Press and hold brake pedal OFF ON
16 Release brake pedal OFF OFF
17 Press and hold brake pedal OFF ON
18 Release brake pedal OFF OFF
Checks stop lamp switch (switch A)
and cruise control switch inputs to
cruise control module. If not
functioning, repair as necessary.
19 Release ON-OFF push-button OFF ON Enters final stage of diagnostic mode,
allowing vehicle to be road tested
without having to hold cruise control
function buttons.
20 Press and hold brake pedal after motor
stroking OFF
Checks stepper motor and cable
Stepper motor will stroke and return to
rest (closed throttle) state. If not
functioning, repair as necessary.
21 Hold brake pedal and start engine OFF X ACTIVE icon can be either ON or OFF.
22 Select DRIVE, drive vehicle and monitor
ACTIVE icon OFF FLASH ACTIVE icon will flash with vehicle
speed signal.
Checks speed sender input to cruise
control module. If not functioning as
specified, replace cruise control
23 Select PARK (auto. trans.), 1st gear (man.
trans.) and switch engine OFF OFF OFF Ends diagnostic mode. Returns cruise
control to normal operating conditions.