The four sensors are mounted onto the rear bumper
fasc ia in an arrangement that pr ovides a slight overlap
of the polar patterns. This provides the best coverage
of the detection area.
The maximum detection distance is set to 150 cm by
the control module software.
When the ignition is on and revers e gear is s elected, a
ready tone will sound from the alar m f or a per iod of 0.5
The control module provides a voltage to each sensor
sequentially which is converted into an ultrasonic
Where an object is within the detection range, the
ultrasonic pulse is reflected (echoed) and received by
the same and/or adjacent sensors.
The echoes are amplified, processed and returned to
the control module as a digital signal. The control
module processes this information and informs the
driver of the object by activating an intermittent
acoustic tone through the alarm.
The detection area is divided into five warning zones.
As listed in the following table, the tone-on to tone-off
period shortens as the distance to the detected object
Figure 12F-6
Warning Range (cm) Frequency (Hz) Tone On Tone Off
Less than 30 1200 Continuous
30 – 40 1200 75 ms 75 ms
40 – 60 1200 75 ms 150 ms
60 – 80 1200 75 ms 225 ms
80 – 100 1200 75 ms 300 ms
100 – 120 1200 75 ms 375 ms
120 – 150 1200 75 ms 450 ms
Hardware Error 600 Continuous at power
Error Message 600 Continuous at power
Ready Tone, Reverse Engaged 1200 0.5 sec
W hen a towbar is f itted, the continuous tone activation area is inc reased from 30 to 45cm to allow f or the length of
the tow bar tongue. This is achieved by the towbar installer disconnecting the white wiring connector X906 (4 in
Figure 12F-4- Sedan or 12F -5- Coupe), c aus ing an open in the power supply circuit 24 and 796 to the control m odule
(pin 15). Refer to 4.2 WIRING SCHEMATIC in this Section.
When the c or rec t ac c es sor y trailer wiring har nes s is ins talled, the s ystem c an be temporar ily disabled when a trailer
or caravan, etc . is attached. The black connec tor X 907 ( 5 in Figure 12F-4-Sedan or 12F-5-Coupe) in circuit 650 and
471 is also disconnected by the installer and the grey wire in the trailer harness connected.
• W hile the trailer socket dust-flap is closed, a magnet in the dust-flap closes a reed-switch in the trailer socket
which connects this circuit to ground through circuit 22.
• W hen the dus t-flap is opened, as in connecting a trailer plug, the switch opens. The control m odule detects the
open circuit and disables the system.
If a bicycle carrier is fitted onto the towbar, a licence plate lamp and tail lamp should be fitted to the carrier and
plugged into the trailer socket. This will also temporarily disable the system, as it is highly likely the bicycles will
cause a disturbance to the detection field.