When the directional switch is pressed in the
OUTWARD position, the circuit in Figure 12H-5 is
activated as follows:
Battery voltage from fuse F15 is supplied through
the directional centre contacts of the toggle switch
and circuit 330 (Brown wire) to one side of the
horizontal mirror motor.
The LH mirror horizontal position motor has a path
to ground through:
• circuit 82 (Purple wire)
• the LH side select switch contacts
• the directional contacts
• circuit 650 (Black / Blue wire) to ground.
This energises the LH m irror horizontal m otor to tilt
the mirror OUTWARDS until the toggle switch is
W hen the directional toggle switch is pressed to tilt
the mirror INWARDS, the LH mirror horizontal
motor is supplied voltage in the opposite direction.
Power to the motor is supplied through the
directional and LH side select switch c ontacts, then
through circuit 82 (Purple wire). The motor is
grounded though circuit 330 (Brown wire) and the
directional switch c ontacts, then through circuit 650
(Black / Blue wire).
The RH motors operate by the same principles as
the LH motors (outlined previously).
By moving the side-select switch to adjust the RH
side mirror, power and ground connections are
made as for the LH side, but using different wires
(different circuit numbers).
To tilt the RH mirror DOW N, power is supplied via
circuit 889 (Light Blue wire) and grounded via
circuits 330 (Brown wire) and 650 (Black wire).
To tilt the RH m irror UP, power is supplied through
circuit 330 and grounded via circuits 889 and 650.
To tilt the RH mirror OUT, power is supplied
through circuit 90 and grounded via circuits 330
and 650.
To tilt the RH mirror IN, power is supplied through
circuit 330 and grounded via circuits 90 and 650.
Figure 12H-5