The display is designed to be bright during the day and dim when the park lamps are switched on.
There ar e two condit ions th at can be pres ented when t here is a fau lt in the cir cuitry tha t inform s the proces sor that
it is either daytime or night time.
In the first case, the display does not dim when the park lamps are switched on. The second case is when the
display is dim during the daytime and bright when the park lamps are switched on.
Test Description
The numbers following refer to the Step numbers in the diagnostic chart.
1. Checks if the park lamps work. The processor receives a signal from the parks lamps when they are on, and
dims the display. Isolates whether the fault is in the park lamp relay and its power supply or on the circuit
proceeding the relay.
2. Checks that the LIGHT option in the SET I/O STATE menu is set to ACT_HIGH.
3. Checks if the fuse F11 on the passenger compartment fuse and relay panel assembly has not blown.
4. Checks if there is battery voltage at connector A139 – X1 pin 6. Isolates whether the processor or the circuit
supplying the signal to the processor is at fault.
5. Checks if there is battery voltage at connector X207 pin 7. Isolates whether circuit 32 between connector
X207 pin 7 and A139 – X1 pin 6 is at fault.
6. Checks if there is battery power to the fuse F11. Isolates whether circuit 32 between fuse F11 and connector
X207 pin 7 is at fault.
7. Check s if the relay R18 is serviceabl e. Isolates wheth er rela y R18, circ uit 9 (between re lay R18 and fuse F 11)
or the power supply to relay R18 is at fault.
1. 1. Switch the park lamps on.
2. Visually check if the park lamps are on.
Are the park lamps illuminated? Go to Step 2. Go to Step 7.
2. 1. Using the remote control, access the SET
I/O STATE menu, refer to 5.3 SET I/O
2. Check that the LIGHT is set to ACT HIGH.
Does the dimming function operate correctly?
System serviceable. Go to Step 3.
3. 1. Inspect fuse F11, refer to Section 12O, 2.1
Is fuse F11 blown? Replace the fuse. Go to Step 4.
4. 1. Switch the park lamps on.
2. Using a test lamp, back-probe connector
A139 – X1 pin 6.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
The processor assembly is
faulty. Send the processor
assembly to the vendor for
further assessment.
Contact Siemens VDO
Customer Service on 1800
335 282
Go to Step 5.
5. 1. Remove the left-hand hinge pillar trim
assembly to gain access to connector
XO1, refer to Section 1A8, 2.8 HINGE
2. Switch the park lamps on.
3. Using a test lamp, back-probe connector
X207 pin 7.
Does the test lamp illuminate?
There is a fault in circuit 32
between connector
X207 pin 7 and
A139 – X1 pin 6. Repair or
replace circuit 32.
Go to Step 6.
6. 1. Remove fuse F11 from the passenger
compartment fuse and relay panel.
2. Using a test lamp, back-probe connector
X129 – X44 pin 11–1.
There is a fault in circuit 32
between fuse F11 and
connector X207 pin 7.
Repair or replace circuit 32.
Go to Step 7.
7. 1. Replace relay R18 located on the
passenger compartment fuse and relay
2. Switch the park lamps on.
Are the park lamps illuminated?
There is a fault in circuit 9
between relay R18 and
fuse F11. Repair or replace
circuit 9.
There is a problem in the
power circuit sup ply ing par k
lamp relay R18. Inspect
fuses F4, F102 and F105.
Diagnose cir cuit s 840, 342,
1 and 442.
When all diagnosis and repairs are completed, check the system for correct operation.