TFT SENSOR VOLTS/TRANS FLUID TEMP - Range -40 degrees C to 151 degrees C/ 0 - 5.10 VOLTS - This
position will display the PCM's interpretation of temperature in the transmission. The Transmission Fluid
Tem per ature ( T FT) s ensor is mounted in the valv e bo d y an d is wired to t he PCM. The PCM monitors the d if f erenc e
in voltage b etween t wo ter minals, and the TECH 1 sc an too l will d ispl a y TF T in volta ge and a tem per ature s ho wn in
degrees Celsius. The T FT sensor reading should read close to the air temperature when th e transmission is cold,
and increases as the transmission fluid temperature increases. After the engine is started the temperature should
rise steadily to about 82 degrees C- 94 degrees C then stabilise.
TFP SWITCH A/B/C VOLTS - Range 0 Volts or 12 VOLTS - These values represent the three fluid pressure
switch as sembl y signals . Thes e li nes are nor mall y hig h and ar e t aken low as the f luid pr es sur e s witc h in terprets the
manual valve position. The sequence of these signals is decoded by the PCM to determine the appropriate gear
range. O volts indicates closed, and 12 volts indicates open.
TFP GEAR - Tech 2 Displays P/N-R,D,3,2,1 - This value represents the decoded sequence of the Transmission
Fluid Pressure Manual Valve Position Switch Assembly (TFP). The TFP is used to determine the manual valve
position. The manual valve position is an input to the PCM used to control line pressure, TCC, and shift solenoid
PRNDL SWITCH - T ech 2 Displays Invalid or P, R, N, D, 3, 2, 1 - T his displays if the veh icle is n ot eq uipp ed with
a PRNDL switch ( Invaded), or if equipped, indicates what gear the driver has selected.
O/D, DRIVE 3/D , DR IVE 2, DRIVE 1. T he sc an to ol dis pla ys the dec oded p osit ion of the trans m ission Park /Neutra l
range switch (PRNDL). This information is then sent to the instrument panel and is displayed to the operator.
TR SWITCH A (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission Park/Neutral range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH B (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission PARK/NEUTRAL range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH C (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission Park/Neutral range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
TR SWITCH P (TRANSMISSION RANGE) - Tech 2 Displays OPEN 12 V/CLOSED 0 V. This parameter is the
input from the automatic transmission PARK/NEUTRAL range switch. OPEN represents a B+ voltage signal and
CLOSED represents a 0 voltage signal.
1-2 SHIFT SOL ENOID, 2-3 SHIF T SO LENO ID - The 2 Displays "O N " or "O FF " - This dis p lays the "ON" or " OF F "
state of the two shift solenoids. The shift solenoids are turned "OFF" or "ON" to change gears.
1-2 AND 2-3 SHIFT SO L ENO ID FEE DBACK - The 2 Disp la ys O N/OF F - T h e 2 Displa ys "O N " or "O FF " - These
values represent the true electrical state of the solenoids. The PCM uses this information to set malfunction DTC's.
1-2 SHIFT TIME -Tech 2 Displays Time - This value represents the time taken to shift from first gear to second
gear. This information is only accurate if the shift was adaptable.
2-3 SHIFT TIME - T ech 2 Displays T ime - This value repres ents the t ime taken to shift fr om sec ond gear to third
gear. This information is only accurate if the shift was adaptable.
COMMANDED PCS - Tech 2 Range 0 to 1000 Milliamps - This value represents the commanded pressure
control so lenoid current. T he commanded current is determined from the manual valve position, transmission fluid
temperature, transmission output speed, shift solenoid state, TCC, A/C status, engine speed, TCC slip and the
throttle posit ion sens or. The c ommanded pr essure contr ol solenoid c urrent is th en used to c ontrol the tra nsm ission
line pressure.
ACTUAL PCS - Tech 2 Range 0 to 1000 Milliamps - This value represents the actual pressure control solenoid
current. This value should always be very similar to the desired pressure control solenoid current. If the actual
deviates from the desired by 0.16 amps, a DTC will set.
PCS DUTY CYCLE - The 2 Range 0 to 100 % - This value represents the pressure control solenoid duty cycle.
This value is determined by the desired pressure control solenoid current.
TCC SOLENOID - The 2 Displays "ON" or "OFF" - The Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid is an
electronically controlled exhaust valve. When energised (provided an earth) by the PCM, the TCC solenoid stops
converter signal fluid from exhausting. The closing of the solenoid valve causes converter signal fluid pressure to
increase and shift the converter clutch apply valve into the apply position.
This value represents the status of the Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) solenoid. This status is determined by
throttle position, transmission output speed, transmission range, engine coolant temperature, transmission fluid
temperature, and TCC slip.
TCC PWM SOLENOID - Tech 2 Displays 0 to 100 % - A proportional signal used to control TCC function 0%
implies that the TCC solenoid is commanded fully closed, while 100% implies that the TCC solenoid is fully open.