NOTE: Various component specifications and system operating parameters are detailed in this Section. They are
correct at the start of vehicle production and are subject to change. Always refer to Service Techlines for latest
This Section of the Service Manual is divided into the following six Sections.
6C1-1 – GENERAL DESCRIPTION – This Section contains a General Description of the powertrain management
system and describes how the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) controls and monitors various systems. This
Section also contains the Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms.
6C1-2 – DIAGNOSIS AND TECH 2 – This is the Section to begin all driveability and emissions diagnosis.
Diagnostic precautions, a general description of diagnostics and the Tech 2 scan tool, as well as data lists and
descriptions are included in this Section.
6C1-2A – DIAGNOSTIC TABLES – This is the Section where all Diagnostic procedures are located. System
com ponent locations , wire colours and wiring diagram s f or PCM controlled and m onitored circ uits are located here.
Included are the following diagnostic tables (and how to use them):
• On Board Diagnostic (OBD) system check
• Diagnostic tables: No Check Powertrain Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL), No Serial Data, Engine Cranks But
W ill N ot Run, Starter Crank ing Circuit, F uel Pump Elec trical Circuit, Fuel Delivery System , Barome tric Pressur e
Sensor Output Chec k, MAF Sens or Output Check , TP Sensor Output Check , Oxygen Sensor Check, Canis ter
Purge Solenoid Check, Engine Control EFI Relay Diagnosis, Idle Air Control (IAC) Check, Direct Ignition
System (DIS) System Check, A/C Clutch Control (Non-OCC System), A/C Clutch Control with Occupant
Climate Control (O CC) , Electr ic Fan Contr ol – Standard F an Pac k age, Elec tr ic Fan Contr ol – High Perf or manc e
Fan Package , Restricted Exhaust Check.
The following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) are for both the V6 Petroleum and LPG fuelled engine systems:
• Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) PCM tables:
P0101, P0107, P0108, P0111, P0112, P0113, P0117, P0118, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0131, P0132, P0134,
P0151, P0152, P0154, P0170, P0173, P0200, P0218, P0325, P0327, P0332, P0341, P0342, P0374, P0400,
P0405, P0446, P0502, P0503, P0506, P0507, P0530, P0560, P0561, P0562, P0563, P0601, P0712, P0713,
P0730, P0740, P0741, P0748, P0753, P0756, P0757, P0785, P1064, P1116, P1255, P1351, P1361, P1372,
P1571, P1627, P1628, P1642, P1643, P1810, P1860, P1870.
6C1-2B – SYM PTOM S – W hen no diagnostic tr ouble code(s) have been set and the T ech 2 scan tool data values
are within typical ranges, you should diagnose the condition based on the symptoms of the complaint.
This Section star ts with prelim inary checks that m ust be per form ed to diagnos e by symptom. Interm ittent conditions
are then discussed. These preliminary pages provide important information to assist you with symptom diagnosis.
Next, the contents of this Section presents the various symptoms and lists a series of checks for each.
Many of the symptom diagnostics start with a very important procedure, a visual and physical inspection. Always
look f or the obvious f irs t. Some situations may warrant observing the driver. Is the dr iver us ing the corr ec t shif t lever
position or riding the brake pedal? Visually check the engine, transmission and PCM connectors. Are there any
disconnected wires or incorrectly installed components?
Finally, are there obvious signs that someone may have perform ed incorrect r epairs? These c hecks tak e very little
time and can elim inate the tim e spent on a br oad-base s ystematic diagnos is by directing you to the problem . If they
do not reveal the problem, proceed to check the other suspect systems, as detailed.
6C1-2C – FUNCTIONAL CHECKS – This Section contains system checks that are to be used when there is a
custom er com plaint, no Diagnostic Trouble Codes s et, but one or m ore of the T ech 2 scan tool data values are not
within specif ication. Before using these tables you should use the symptom s tables in Section 6C1- 2B. Information
contained there, may lead you to this Section.
The purpose of the tables in this Sec tion is to diagnose Powertr ain Control Module com ponents or subs ystems that
do not have a diagnostic trouble c ode as s igned to them . Another pur pose of thes e tables is f or tec hnic ians who f eel
confident that a par ticular part of the subsystem is not oper ating correct ly and prefers to only check a specif ic item ,
without going through lengthy diagnostic procedures.