B4: Ignition Module Bypass Control
Ignition System Mode Control
With ignition “ON” and engine not running this terminal will have very low voltage. As soon as the PCM sees engine
RPM of more than 450 RPM (Electronic Spark Timing “run” threshold) the PCM turns on 5 volts to the Ignition
Module Bypass Control circuit, causing the ignition module to allow the PCM to operate the ignition system.
B5: System Ground
This terminal is connected directly to the engine ground, the voltage on this terminal should be zero volts.
B6: Camshaft Position Input Signal
This signal is used by the PCM to “sequence” the energising of the fuel injectors, similar to the firing order of an
engine. This allows the PCM to operate the fuel injectors in a “sequential fuel injection” mode. The camshaft
position sensor is actually wired to the ignition module. The ignition module sends one pulse per every two
crankshaft revolutions to the PCM to determine actual camshaft position, and thus, engine cycle sequence.
B7: Crankshaft 18X Input Signal
The 18X cr ank s haf t ref erenc e input s i gna l is us ed to v ery accurate l y contr ol E ST s par k tim ing at lo w engine speeds
– below 1200 RP M. Below 1200 R PM, the PCM m onitors the 18X signal t o control spark timing. At eng ine speeds
above 1200 RPM, the PCM uses the 3X crankshaft reference input signal to control spark timing. (See 3X
crankshaft reference terminal X2-D12)
B8: Traction Control Torque Requested (MMR)
The ABS/TCS module will send a torque requested PWM signal to the PCM when torque reduction is requested
from the ABS/TCS module for traction control. This PW M signal should closel y match the Torque Achieved (MMI)
signal, when traction control is being requested.
B9: 3X Crankshaft Reference Input Signal High
This terminal could be called the “tacho” input. It provides the PCM with RPM and crankshaft position information.
With ignition “ON” but engine not running, t he voltage will be either hig h or low, depending on crank shaft position.
As the crank shaf t turns, the volta ge will be a n averag e of the two rea dings. T he PCM uses th e 3X signal to control
fuel injection, and spark timing with engine speeds above 1200 RPM.
B10: Cranks haft Reference Input Signal Low
This terminal should always be zero volts. It is connected through the ignition module to engine ground.
B11: Traction Control Torque Achieved (MMI)
The PCM sends a Torque Achieved PWM signal to the ABS/TCS module informing the ABS/TCS module of the
achieve d eng ine tor que. This PWM signal s hould match c losely the Requeste d Torque (MMR) s ignal, wh en trac tion
control is occur in g.
B12: Engine Cooling Fan High Speed Relay Control
This terminal will have battery voltage until the PCM energises the high speed cooling fan relay by supplying the
ground; then it will be close to zero. The inputs that cause the PCM to energise the high speed fan relay are the
engine coolant temperature and A/C pressure.
C1: Vehicle Speed Output To Speedometer
The PCM a lternatel y grounds this signa l, in puls es, when it r eceives a vehicle s peed signa l from the vehicle speed
sensor in the transmission. This pulsing action takes place about 6250 times per kilometre. The speedometer
calculates vehicle speed based on the time between pulses.
C2: Idle Air Control (IAC)
C3: Idle Air Control (IAC)
C4: Idle Air Control (IAC)
C5: Idle Air Control (IAC)
Thes e term inals connect th e Idle Air Control valve, located o n the throttle b ody, to the PCM. I t is diffic ult to predict
what the voltage will be, and the measurement is unusable for any service procedures.
C6: Engine Coolant Temperature and Throttle Position Sensor Ground
This terminal should be zero volts. It is connected through the PCM circuitry to engine ground.
C7: Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Signal
The TP sensor input voltage, which follows actual throttle changes, is variable from 0 to 5 volts. Typically the
voltage is less than 1 volt at idle, and 4 to 5 volts at wide-open throttle.
C8: Linear EGR Valve Pintle Position
This voltage is an indication to the PCM of the position of the EGR valve pintle. A low voltage indicates a fully
extended pintle (closed valve). A voltage near 5 volts indicates a retracted pintle (open valve).
C9: Right Hand Oxygen Sensor Input Signal
W ith ignit ion on a nd en gine not r un ni ng, the vol tag e s h oul d b e 350 – 450 mill ivolts (0.350 – 0 . 45 0 vo lts ). This is th e
PCM-sup plied c ircuit “bi as” vo ltage. W ith the e ngine runn ing an d after the ox ygen sens or is hot, t he vo lta ge shou ld
be rapidly changing, somewhere between 10 – 1000 millivolts.