NOTE: Various component specifications and system operating parameters are detailed in the MY 2003 VY and V2
Series Service Information. They are correct at the start of vehicle production and are subject to change. Always
refer to the current release of the SIP CD ROM, for the latest information.
This Section of the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series Service Information is divided into six Sections:
This Section contains a General Description of the powertrain management system and describes how the
Powertrain Control Module (PCM) controls and monitors various systems. This Section also contains the
Abbreviations and Glossary of Terms.
This is the Section to begin all driveabilit y and emissions diagnosis. Diagnostic precautions, a general description
of diagnostics and Tech 2, as well as data lists and descriptions are included in this Section.
This is the Section where all diagnostic procedures are located. System component locations, wire colours and
wiring diagrams for PCM controlled and monitored circuits are located here. Also included are the following
diagnostic tables (and how to use them):
• Powertrain OBD system check
• Diagnostic tables: Data Link Connector (DLC), Engine Cranks But Does Not Run, EFI Re lay Diagnosis,
Fuel Pump Electrical Circuit, Fuel Delivery System, Starter Cranking Circuit
• Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) PCM tables: P0101, P0102, P0103, P0107, P0108, P0112, P0113,
P0117, P0118, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0125, P0131, P0132, P0133, P0134, P0135, P0151, P0152,
P0153, P0154, P0155, P0171, P0172, P0174, P0175, P0218, P0230, P0325, P0327, P0332, P0335,
P0336, P0341, P0342, P0343, P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354, P0355, P0356, P0357, P0358, P0443,
P0481, P0500, P0502, P0503, P0506, P0507, P0522, P0523, P0530, P0562, P0563, P0601, P0602,
P0608, P0654, P0705, P0706, P0711, P0712, P0713, P0719, P0724, P0740, P0742, P0748, P0751,
P0753, P0756, P0758, P0785, P0801, P1111, P1112, P1114, P1115, P1121, P1122, P1133, P1134,
P1153, P1154, P1258, P1539, P15 46, P1 626, P163 0, P16 31, P1 635, P163 9, P18 10, P18 60, P1 870.
• Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) PIM tables: B2002, B2006, B2007, B2009.
This Section also contains the Powertrain OBD System Check, that is the starting point for all diagnostics. If the
Powertra in O BD System Chec k s hows a diag nostic tr oub le cod e is set in the PC M’s m em or y, this Section is where
the diagnostic trouble codes are diagnosed.
If more than one diagnostic trouble code is stored, always diagnose and correct the lowest stored number before
going onto the next higher number diagnostic trouble code.
When no diagnostic trouble code/s have been set and Tech 2 data values are within typical ranges, you should
diagnose the condition based on the symptoms of the complaint.
This Sect ion star ts with pr e liminary chec k s that m us t be perf ormed to diagnose b y s ymptom. Intermittent c on dit ions
are then d isc us s ed. T hes e pr eliminar y pages pr o vide im portant inf or mation to ass ist with sympt om diagnosis. Nex t,
the contents of this section presents the various symptoms and lists a series of checks for each.
Many of the symptom diagnostics start with a very important procedure, a visual and physical inspection. Always
look for the obvious first. Some situations may warrant observing the driver. Is the driver using the correct shift
lever position or riding the brake pedal? Visually check the engine, transmission, PCM/PIM connectors. Are there
any disconnec te d wir es or incor r ectl y insta lled components.
Finall y, are ther e obvi ous signs that s omeone m ay have perform ed incor rect rep airs? T hese check s tak e ver y little
time and can eliminate time spent on a broad base systematic diagnosis, by directing the Technician to the
problem. If they do not reveal the problem, proceed to check the other suspect systems, as shown.