Check the Diodes
The following test equipment is essential for correctly testing the diodes:
DC output diode tester that does not exceed 14 volts output at the test probes.
Multimeter with a diode test feature that does not exceed 14 volts output at the test probes.
AC tester rated at 12 volts RMS. This ensures that the forward and reverse voltage checks are not incorrect
due to Zener breakdown.
Zener diode tes ter with a DC output m or e than 30 volts . T his s hould inc orpor ate internal current lim iting of 5 mA
to prevent high currents during testing.
NOTE 1: Replace the rectifier assembly if any diodes are faulty.
NOTE 2: Complete steps 1 to 5 before testing the Zener voltage of each diode.
NOTE 3: When using an AC tes ter in steps 1 to 5, ens ure that the reverse voltage applied is less than 14 volts DC
or 12 volts RMS.
1. Attach the negative test probe of the diode
tester to each positive diode in turn.
2. Attach the negative probe to the positive
heatsink (1) of the rectifier assembly.
3. Attach the positive probe to the positive diode
connections (2).
4. Check for a low resistance reading or the
forward voltage drop across the diode.
5. Reverse the probe connections and again test
each diode in turn.
6. Check for a high resistance reading or higher
reverse voltage.
7. Repeat the test to ensure that c urrent is able to
flow in one direction only.
8. Repeat the above procedure on the negative
9. Attach the positive probe to the negative
heatsink of the rectifier assembly.
10. Attach the negative probe to the negative diode
Figure 6D3-1-19
11. Check for a low resistance reading or the forward voltage drop across the diode should be obtained.
12. Reverse the probe connections and again test each diode in turn.
13. Check for a high resistance reading or higher reverse voltage should be obtained.
14. Repeat the test to ensure that current is able to flow in one direction only.
15. Identify the Zener voltage of each diode. Refer to the numbers on the base of each diode.
NOTE: All diodes within a rect ifier mus t have the sam e
Zener voltage.
IMPORTANT: The recommended Zener tester is:
Durst model 600 with five mA test current (Bosch
16. Test the Zener voltage (reverse bias) of the positive diodes, as follows:
a. Connect the positive lead to the positive heat sink.
b. Connect the negative lead of the tester to each positive diode in turn.
c. Gradually increase the test voltage from the Zener diode tester and read the Zener breakdown voltage.
NOTE: Ensure that the tester is current limited to
5 mA.
17. Check that the voltage reading is steady; it should not increase with increased voltage.