1. Connect the Tech 2 (4) to the Data Link
Connector (DLC) (1) via the DLC Adaptor (2)
and DLC Cable (3).
2. Select VY Commodore / Engine / Functional
Tests / Power Balance.
3. Perform power balance as directed by the
Diagnostic Scan Tool.
NOTE 1: RPM readings displayed on the
Diagnostic Scan Tool should be within 50 RPM of
the idle engine speed for all cylinders
NOTE 2: Any cylinder that does not caus e a drop in
engine idle speed is misfiring.
NOTE 3: For further information on the usage of
Tech 2, refer to Section 0C, TECH 2.
Once the problematic cylinder has been identified,
the cause of the problem will still need to be
determined. Reasons for the fault include fuel,
spark or engine mechanical problems.
The following checks are to assist in isolating the
cause of the engine misfire. For additional
diagnostic information, refer to
Figure 6F2-4
1. Remove the spark plug lead (1) from the plug
and the engine harness connector from the
injector of the misfiring cylinder.
2. Install the test plug, tool No. 7230 and connect
it to an engine earth point (2).
NOTE 1: Failure to properly earth the may result in
damage to the ignition system components due to
excessive secondary voltages required to fire it.
NOTE 2: Avoid placing the test plug near sensors,
modules or other electronic equipment that m ay be
affected by electromagnetic interference.
3. Disconnect the spark plug wire and the engine
wiring harness from the injector of the
corres ponding cylinder. Connect the spark plug
lead directly to the engine earth.
4. Start and run the engine. If the tester shows a
good spark, check for faulty spark plug.
5. If there is a weak spark or no spark at all,
check the spark plug lead for a short circuit to
the earth, or open or very high resistance
NOTE: If any lead is open circuited, recheck coil
secondary resistance, it may have been damaged
by high voltage produced by open circuit.
Figure 6F2-5