LT Section – AA-650Q
The f ollowing leak test procedure is to be perf orm ed on the LPG s ystem high-pr essur e com ponents and is to be
performed at each normal maintenance service.
IMPORTANT: The leak test is to be perform ed in the open air in a well-ventilated area, away from any ignition
source and prior to bringing the vehicle into the workshop.
If a combustible gas detector is to be used for leak
testing of the LPG system, the combustible gas
detector should be capable of detecting 25 parts per
million (PPM) of LPG in air. A detector such as a LD-
9001 LP Gas Leak Detector or equivalent is
Whichever leak detector is used, it is important to
follow the manufacturer's instructions in regard to
adjustment and setting the instrument prior to
conducting the leak test.
Care in interpretation is necess ary, as the detector can
respond to the pres ence of any of several vapours that
are com bus tible, som e of which m ay not be LPG, such
as oil smears, joining compounds, etc. It may also
detect residual LPG vapours that are present for
reasons other than leakage, and which must be
cleared before a valid test for leakage can be made.
If a leak is present, a detector will signal its existence
but not its size, and will indicate its general location,
but may not be able to locate it exactly. A proving or
follow up check with foam is often desirable.
Figure 8A2-36
If foam is to be used, the foaming agent should be a
propriety leak test solution, formulated specifically for
the purpose, such as Gameco Leak Check TM or a
similar solution.
The solution should be fr esh and the whole of the ar ea
to be tested should be coated, and time allowed for
bubbles to form. All areas under test must be able to
be observed during the leak test.
Whichever foaming agent is used, it is important to
follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Foam testing is more effective for small leaks. Large
leaks tend to blow the solution away from the leak
without forming a bubble, so care in application is
The leak test is performed by directing a spray of
solution at each of the pos sible leak points in the high-
pressure side of the system.
After applying the solution, look carefully for no less
than 15 seconds.
A leak is indicated by the presence of gas bubbles
(foaming) in the solution at the leak source
Figure 8A2-37
NOTE: LPG is heavier than air so test thoroughly below all components and fittings.
If a leak is detected at a joint, the relevant component/s must be removed as described in the appropriate service
operation in this Section. All mating threads must be thoroughly cleaned, then resealed using the specified
sealant and tightened to the specified torque. Once installed, thoroughly leak test the component/s again.
At the completion of each test, dry the leak test area of the foam ing agent with low-pressure com pressed air or
shop cloths and spray the immediate area with a water-dispersing agent such as WD40 or RP7, etc.