Body Dimensi ons Page 1A2–2
Page 1A2–2
1 General Information
Correct alignment of the body structure is essential to ensure the vehicle performs as intended. A body structure that is
outside design tolerances can suffer difficult operation and poor fitment of the doors, hood or endgate. Suspension
performance and vehicle handling can also suffer and noise, vibration and harshness may become evident.
The body structure should therefore be aligned to within ± 1.5 mm of the dimensions specified in this Section.
As a minimum, these dimensions should be accurately checked with a trammel gauge consisting of a parallel bar or rod
fitted with two adjustable trammels.
In preparation for an underbody alignment check, the vehicle must be correctly set-up on a level surface, preferably
using a measuring or jigging system specifically designed for the task of checking and correcting vehicle body alignment.
Note that the dimensions provided for the underbody are projected: the measuring points are transposed onto a two
dimensiona l (flat) surfa ce and the meas ure ment s are taken along the one plane.
All upperbody measurements are actual: the distance from point to point.
Incorrect alignment of the front suspension frame and transmission support can have an adverse affect on the vehicle’s
performance and introduce noise, vibration and harshness. Whenever they are replaced they must be aligned correctly,
refer to Section 1A2 Body Dimensions in the MY 2003 VY and V2 Series Service Information.
For information relating to Regular Cab tray mounting points, refer to Section 1B2 Body Builders Guide.