1• Does cus tomer c omplain of sound dropping out during all
modes i ntermittently? Caprice Go to S tep 2.
Statesman go t o S tep
See relevant diagnostic
table in thi s Sect i on.
2• Caprice only – ens ure that headphones are removed,
then press the headphone button on the radi o to override
the headphone circuit.
• Does radio display NO REAR HE ADPHONES?
Go to Step 3. Remove and ret urn
radio for repair.
3• Caprice only – install headphones, then pres s the
headphone button on the radi o.
• Does radio dis p l ay HE ADPHONES ON?
Go to Step 4. Remove and ret urn
radio for repair.
4• Does the drop-out occur only in one or t wo speakers? Go to Step 5. Go to Step 6.
5• Check c onnections at the relevant speaker and harness
connect ors between speaker assembly and radi o. Inspec t
term i nal s for dam age or poor f it.
• Check that headphones are not still plugged in (Caprice
• Check t he terminal s at the rear of t he affect ed speakers.
For door speakers , check that they are in good condition
and do not cont act the body work. Look for signs t hat
contac t with the body work m ay have occurred previous l y.
• Tap door panels to verify that terminals will not make
contac t with body work, and insulate term i nal s if
• Do the connec t i ons appear OK, even when pulled and
Go to Step 10 of
Table 1. Repair harness or
replace speaker if
term i nal s are
damaged, and veri f y
correct operation.
6• Check c onnections at rear of radio, i nspect t erminals for
damage or poor f i t .
• Do the connec t i ons appear OK, even when pulled and
Go to Step 7. Repair harness and
verify correct operation.
7• Using multimeter, check f o r continuit y of cellular
telephone mute circuit 656 (Yel l ow/Bl ack wire) on radio
connect or YB72 to body earth.
• Does this circui t indicat e continuity to earth?
Cellular tel ephone
mut e l i ne has shorted
to earth, locate short
circui t and/or dam age
to harness and veri fy
Go to Step 8.
8• Does cus tomer c omplain of sett i ngs (ie, volume, mode,
radio stat i on, bass/ treble etc) changing when ignition is
turned from ACC to ON when starting the car?
Refer to Note 1 at the
end of this Tabl e. Go t o S tep 9.
9• Does cus tomer c omplain of sett i ngs (ie, volume, mode,
radio stat i on, bass/ treble, antenna hei ght etc) changing,
or intermittent erratic audio system operation when driving
the car.
Refer to Note 2 at the
end of this Tabl e. Remove radio and
return for repair.
Note 1
Inform customer that the priority key settings are restored from the BCM when the vehicle is unlocked with the
remote using its priority key signal. These settings will be restored when the ignition is turned to ACC position. The
BCM will request the priority key settings of the key in the ignition when the ignition is cycled. If a different key is
then used to start the car, or the car was not locked and a different key used to start the car the BCM will use the
priority key settings for the current key. This may result in the settings changing when the ignition is cycled, and is
part of normal operation.
Suggest to customer that the key used to start the car should be the same key used to unlock the car.
Note 2
If there is an intermittent open circuit or short circuit to body earth in the priority key circuit (Grey) from the BCM to
the radio then the priority key settings may alternate. As the priority key changes, the radio settings will change to
reflect the values stored in each key. This will result in volume, mode, radio station, bass/treble settings to change
for apparently no reason.
This can additionally cause the radio to switch on and off erratically if one priority key sets the radio on and the other
turns it off.
The priority line circuit will need to be investigated for a short or open circuit, refer to Section 12P WIRING
DIAGRAMS in this Supplement.