NOTE: 1 Ensure that body dimensions are within
specified limits prior to commencing any
crossmember alignment. Refer to 2.1 BODY
DIMENSIONS in this Section.
NOTE: 2 Rear suspension crossmember centring
tool needs to be held in position during the
alignment pr ocedure. T herefore, as sistance will be
required to complete this operation.
1. Using chassis stands (3) support vehicle at
hoist pad locations.
2. Remove wheels, refer to Section 10 WHEELS
3. Remove intermediate muffler and pipe
assembly together with rear muffler and pipe
assembly refer to Section 8B1 EXHAUST
4. From underneath the vehicle, support final
drive with a trolley jack and raise s lightly to take
weight off final drive mount.
5. Loosen three M10 screws (2) securing
crossmember to body brace left hand side and
right hand side.
6. Loosen rear suspension crossmember (1)
attaching bolts (M14) (4) left hand side and
right hand side.
Figure 1A2-10
7. Loosen four bolts (1) securing final drive rear
mount (2) to vehicle underbody.
IMPORTANT: Rear suspension crossmember
attaching bolts and final drive rear m ount attaching
screws must be renewed after each loosening and
may be replaced one at a time during this
alignment procedure.
Alignment of crossmember must be completed
within 20 minutes from installation of new bolts.
Attaching bolts are supplied with a micro
encapsulated locking compound applied to threads
that will start to set immediately after installation
and will reach 20% adhesion after 30 minutes.
Figure 1A2-11
8. Fit rear suspension centring tool No. AU 458.
NOTE: Rear suspension crossmember centring
tool locates into ∅ 19 mm body datum holes
positioned forward of rear suspension
9. With the help of an assistant, manoeuvre the
rear sus pens ion cr os s mem ber until the loc ation
pins of the rear crossmember centring tool
engages the alignment holes on the rear
suspension crossmember.