Solid Colour
To the matched colour, add Flexible Additive then Hardener and Reducer in the following ratios:
-426 line colour - five parts by volume
-Flexible Additive 499-35484 - one part by volume
-2K MS Hardener 980-35239 - three parts by volume
-2K Reducer 920-19148 - 10-20% by volume
Stir thoroughly and strain. Put on the air supplied respirator. Using a 1.4 - 1.8 mm fluid nozzle on a standard spray
gun, apply one medium wet coat. Apply a further one or two coats to achieve coverage allowing a 3 - 5 minutes
flash-off time between coats. If low baking, this can be done immediately (no more than five minutes flash-off) at
60°C for 40 minutes. If air drying, allow 16 hours to dry (correct film thickness is 40 - 50 microns).
Cobra Basecoat, Metallic, Pearl or Solid Colour
Thin the matched basecoat colour with Cobra Basebuilder, 920 line at a 1:1 mix ratio and stir thoroughly, strain
material, and using a 1.4 - 1.6 mm gravity feed spray gun, apply one medium wet even coat. Allow to flash off for
5 minutes before applying the next coat.
Apply one or two further coats to achieve a uniform and even coverage with five minutes flash-off between coats.
Allow 10 - 20 minutes drying before applying clearcoat.
Mix 2K Clearcoat with Flexible Additive then Hardener and Reducer in the following ratios:
-2K Clearcoat 455-30900 - five parts by volume
-Flexible Additive 499-35484 - one part by volume
-2K MS Hardener 980-35239 - three parts by volume
-2K Reducer 920-19148 - 20% by volume
Stir thoroughly and strain. Put on the air supplied respirator. Using a 1.4 - 1.8 mm fluid nozzle spray gun set-up,
apply one medium wet coat to the basecoat (after allowing the Basecoat 10 - 20 minutes drying time). Apply a
further one or two wet coats after a 3 - 5 minutes flash-off between coats. If low baking, this can be done
immediately after the last coat but do not allow more than five minutes flash-off. Bake at 60°C for 40 minutes or, if
air drying, allow 16 hours.
Superficial damage to the paint film and/or plastic surfaces may be rectified by sanding and repainting. Parts having
deep gouges in the plastic surface should be replaced because repair methods using filling materials and thinning
down of the plastic section may reduce overall impact strength.
For shallow paint damage, follow the procedure listed under “Colour Finishing Of Replacement Parts”, using P800
paper to sand down imperfections and using, eg. Scotchbrite** 448 pad or P1200 paper, scuff and key existing
Basecoat and Clearcoat can be spot repaired by blending away the basecoat colour but spraying the complete
bumper with Clearcoat. Solid colours are best sprayed as complete panels. If the damage extends to the plastic
surface, this must be primed with Plastpak Universal primer after the correct cleaning procedure.
** Scotchbrite is a trademark of 3M Co.
CAUTION: Drying of all products may be accelerated by heat, but to avoid distortion, unsupported bumpers
should not be heated in an oven or by lamp above 60°
PPG 2K MS Hardener contains not more than 0.3% free isocyanate monomer.
FOR AUTOMOTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. This product requires professional equipment and experience
for safe handling. Not for use by the general public.
Read and understand the instructions and warnings contained in data sheets and on the label of the can containing
the base product before opening the can. Follow all directions and warnings carefully, otherwise DO NOT use this
Warnings and precautions on the label also apply to the mixture of hardener and base.
Breathing of vapour, spray mist and dust from sanding is harmful and may cause lung irritation and allergic
respiratory reaction. Irritates skin and eyes.
When mixed with the appropriate base, apply in a spray booth fitted with an effective exhaust system. Comply with
local legislation applicable to spray painting of motor vehicles. Wear a positive pressure air supplied full face
respirator (complying with Australian Standard 1716 - 1984) and gloves while spraying and during all subsequent
use. The spray booth area should be isolated from other people while spraying is in progress and until all spray mist
has been effectively dispersed.