1. Rem ove mechanism covers, glas s panel, drain
channel, wind deflector, sunshade and
adjustment bracket.
2. Place mechanism in closed position.
3. Remove drive motor and SCU, refer 2.2
4. Remove the gearwheel housing by removing
the two screws.
5. Remove gearwheel by inserting a screwdriver
and pushing forward and the gearwheel drops
down (refer to Fig. 1F-4).
Figure 1F-4
6. Remove the locator being careful to rem ember
the positioning of screws and the blocking
7. Pull mechanism all the way forward.
8. Push the mechanis m into tilt position as in Step
6, taking care not to inadvertently dislodge the
mechanism. Keep the front of the mechanism
9. Rem ove the f ront s c rew and slide the r etrac tion
mechanism forward. Do not take out.
10. Slide mechanism in tilt position further forward.
11. Lift out cable and pull forward out from the
guide rail track.
Figure 1F-5
12. Inspect for proper length of new cable.
Lubricate the cable using Applied Chemicals
Tefoil + PTFE, Part No. 8-830, and slide into
the rail. Ensure oval shaped copper head of
cable seats firmly and diagonally across guide
channel (refer to Fig. 1F-6).
13. To check that cable is positioned correctly,
grasp long lever in tilt position with one hand,
the pivoting adjustment bracket in the other
hand and slide backwards. It should slide into
place (if blocked, turn cable slightly to reseat
copper oval head properly).
14. Pivot arm of adjustment bracket back down
into place. Slide the curve-on panel back into
place over the cap on long lever and ins tall the
Torx screw.
15. While holding the adjustment bracket stable,
push the catch mechanism into the slide
position as in Step 6. If mechanism stops after
approximately 100 mm preventing a full
rearward positioning, you failed to hold the
adjustment bracket stable, repeat this step.
Figure 1F-6