TECH 2 Page 0C–3
Page 0C–3
2 Switch the unit on by pressing the power button
(2). A green light (1) should come on indicating that
the tool is receiving power.
At this time the technician should see the Power
On Self Test (POST) run. The POST is a built in
diagnostic self test for the TECH 2 that should find
most common system faults. The POST is run on
every power up to ensure the best operation of the
tool. After the completion of the POST, the TECH 2
unit will briefly show the POST results. If POST
passes, the tool will continue onto the title screen.
If POST fails, results of all tests will be displayed,
and this should show which test failed. POST
failures may be classified as fatal or non-fatal. A
fatal error will not allow the user to continue using
the tool. Failure of the keypad would be an
example of a fatal error. Non-fatal errors found
during the POST will allow continued use of the
TECH 2, but with some limitations. If either a fatal
or non-fatal error occurs, refer to the
Troubleshooting section of the TECH 2 User's
1 Power Status I ndicator Li ght
2 PWR (Power) Key
3 SHIFT Key Status Indicator Light
3 At the TECH 2 title screen press the ENTER key to
Figure 0C-2 TECH 2 PWR and SHIFT Keys
4 A selection can be made from the Main M enu,
either by using a function key or by using the arrow
keys to highlight a menu choice and pressing
NOTE: You will then need to supply some
additional information to the TECH 2. This requires
navigation through a series of lists (called picklists).
On some menus or picklists, the user can use a
function key to make a menu selection, but most of
the picklists require using the selection and action
keys. If a mistake is made in the selection process,
or if a different application or function is desired,
press EXIT to back up one level. Within an
application, there may be soft keys which are
available for use. These soft keys allow access to
additional tool functions without exiting a current
tool function. Soft keys are made up of sets which
will appear together. To see the next set of soft
keys, select the More soft key.
Figure 0C-3 TECH 2 Main Menu
5. The TECH 2 Main Menu contains the following:
F0: Diagnostics
Contains all functions to test, diagnose, monitor and program the different vehicle systems.
F1: Service Programming System (SPS)
SPS is used in conjunction with Technical Information System (TIS) 2000 to program vehicle control units.
F2: View Capture Data
Contains all functions to work with one or two previously recorded snapshots on one or two vehicles. This function
is to enable the viewing of captured data without a vehicle.
F3: Tool Options
Contains the TECH 2 self test, set clock, set units, set screen contrast and CANdi Diagnostics.
F4: Download/Upload Help
Contains help information on the downloading and uploading from the TECH 2 to the TIS 2000.