Hydra-Matic 4L60-E A utomatic Transmission Page 7C–12
28–FEB–2003 Page 7C–12
BTSI Solenoid and/or Micro Switch
1 Install the solenoid and/or micro switch to the base,
securing with two screws (4) for the solenoid and/or
single self tapping screw (3) for the micro switch. Do
not over-tighten the screws.
2 Install the patch wiring harness connectors to the
micro switch (2) and/or solenoid (1).
3 Place the insulating foam into position.
No adjustment is required for the BTSI solenoid.
Figure 7C-19
Lower Housing
1 If removed, install the switch/es to the lower housing, ensuring that the locating lug on the switch body engages
with the slot in the lower housing. If the vehicle is equipped with traction control, the correct location for this switch,
is in the right hand aperture for RHD vehicles (the opposite side for LHD vehicles). This will always be behind the
PRNDL indicator lens.
2 Install the patch wiring harness, ensuring that the switch connector/s connection is correct. Also reinstall the
PRNDL lamp and holder, by inserting and turning the holder a quarter turn to the left (counter-clockwise).
3 If of the BTSI design, it is recommended that the patch harness be reinstalled to the solenoid and micro switch first,
then to the PWR and/or T/C switch (if fitted), prior to reassembling the lower housing assembly to the base (refer to
Figure 7C-23). In this instance, the wiring harness connector should also be installed to the bracket on the base, at
this time.
4 If a new selector lever boot is to be installed, use the tie strap included with the new boot to firmly secure the boot
to the gearshift selector knob. Trim excess length and discard.
5 If necessary, install the chrome escutcheon on to the lower housing cover by gently pressing into place until the
eight retaining tangs snap firmly into place.
6 With the upper cover (1) inverted, locate the boot (2)
over each of the cover locating tangs (3), working
gradually around until every tang is covered.
The weight of the selector knob will be sufficient
to keep the boot engaged with the tangs.
Figure 7C-20