4. A selection can be made from the Main Menu, either by
using a function key or by using the arrow keys to
highlight a menu choice and pressing ENTER.
•NOTE: You will then need to supply some additional
information to the TECH 2. This requires navigation
through a series of lists (called picklists). On some
menus or picklists, the user can use a function key to
make a menu selection, but most of the picklists
require using the selection and action keys. If a mis-
take is made in the selection process, or if a different
application or function is desired, press EXIT to back
up one level. Within an application, there may be soft
keys which are available for use. These soft keys allow
access to additional tool functions without exiting a cur-
rent tool funct ion. S oft keys are ma de up of sets wh ich
will appear together. To see the next set of soft keys,
select the More soft key.
The TECH 2 Main Menu contains the following:
F0: Diagnostics
Contains all functions to test, diagnose, monitor and pro-
gram the different vehicle systems.
F1: View Capture Data
Contains all functions to work with one or two previously
recorded snapshots on one or two vehicles. This function is
to enable the viewing of captured data without a vehicle.
F2: Tool Options
Contains the TECH 2 self test, set clock, set units, set
screen cont ra st and Ge tti ng Started .
F3: Download/Upload Help
Contains hel p informati on on the d ownloadin g and uplo ad-
ing from the TECH 2 to the TIS 2000 CD-ROM.
Press the ENTER key with F0: Diagnostics selected to
5. Select the correct Model Year with the arr ow keys an d
the pr es s ENTER. The V ehicle identification screen will
then be displayed.
Main Menu
F0: Diagnostics
F1: View Capture Data
F2: Tool Options
F4: Download/Upload Help
Vehicle Identification
Select one of the following
Model Year(s)
(2) 2002
(1) 2001
(Y) 2000
(X) 1999
(V) 1997
(2) 2002