Condition P ossible Cause Correction
H eater blower fan
m ot or do e s not
operate with fan
switch ON
Fuse blown Check “HEATER” fuse, main
heater fuse and check for short cir-
cuit to ground.
Blower main relay fa ulty Check blower main relay.
Blower fan motor resisto r faulty Check resistor.
Blow er fan m otor sw itch fau lty Check blower fan swi tch.
Blower fan m otor fau lty Replace motor.
Wiring or grounding fau lty Repair as necessary.
H eater blower fan
does not opera t e
when fa n switch is in
m aximum position.
Blow er maximum relay faulty Check blower maximum relay.
Blow er fan m otor sw itch fau lty Check blower fan swi tch.
Wiring or grounding fau lty Check wiring, grounding and
repair as necessary.
Incorrect tempera-
tu re outp ut. Control cables broken or binding Check cabl es.
Temperature control lever faulty Check control lever.
Position of control cable clam p is fau lty Ch eck and adjustment.
Temperature door assembl y broken Repair temperature door
Air ducts clogged Repair air ducts .
Heater core leaking or clogged Replace core.
Heater hoses leaking or clogged Re place hoses.
Therm ost at fa ulty Check therm os tat, referr ing to
Sect ion 6B.
When mode control
lever is chang ed, air
outlet port do es not
change or lever posi-
tion does not match
a ir ou tlet po rt .
Control cable broken or binding Check cabl e.
Mode control lever faulty Check control lever.
Position of control cable clam p is fau lty Ch eck and adjust clamp
position.Check and adjustment.
Air damper broken Repair dam per.
Air ducts l eak ing or clogged Repair air ducts.