Since prob lems in steering, suspensi on, wheels and tyres could involve several syst ems , t hey must all be con-
sidered when diagnosing a complaint. To avoi d incorrect diagnosis, alwa ys road test the vehicle first. Proceed
with the foll owi ng preliminary inspection and correct any def ects which are found.
1. Inspect tyres for proper pressure and uneven wear.
2. Raise vehicle on a hoist and inspect front and rear suspension and steering system for loose or damaged
3. Spin front wheels. Inspect for out-of-round tyres, out-of-balance tyres, bent rims, loose and/or rough
wheel bearings.
Condition P ossible Cause Correction
Veh icle Pulls (Leads) Mismatched or uneven tyres Replace tyre.
Tyres not adequately inflated Adju st tyre pressure.
Broken or s aggi ng spring s Re place sprin g.
Radial tyre lateral force Replace tyre.
Disturbed wheel alignment Check and adjust front wheel
Brak e dragging in one road wheel Repair brake.
Loose, bent or broken f ront or rear suspension
parts Tighten or replace suspension
Abnormal or
Excessive Tyre W ear Sagging or broken spring Replace sp rin g.
Tyre out of balance Adju st balance or replace tyre.
Disturbed wheel alignment Check and adjust front wheel
Faulty strut (shock abso rber) Re place strut.
Hard driving Replace tyre.
Overloaded vehicle Replace tyre .
Not rota ting tyr e Replace or rota te tyr e.
Worn or loose wheel bearing Re place wheel bear ing .
Wobbly wheel or tyre Replace wheel or tyre.
Tyres not adequately inflated Adju st tyre pressure.
W hee l Tramp Blister or bump on tyre Replace tyre.
Improper strut (shock absorber) action Replace str ut.
S himmy, S h a ke o r
Vibration Tyre or wheel out of balance Balance wheels or replace tyre
and/o r wheel.
Loose wheel bearin gs Replace wheel bearing .
Worn tie rod ends Replace tie rod end.
Worn lower ball joints Replace front susp ension ar m .
Excessive wheel runout Repair or replace wheel and/or
Blister or bump on tyre Replace tyre.
Excessively loaded radial runout of tyre/wheel
assembly Replace tyre or wheel.
Disturbed wheel alignment Check and adjust front wheel
Loose or worn steerin g linkage Tighten or replace steer ing link-
Loose steering gear case bolts Tighten c ase bolts.