This vehicle is equipped with the following tyre.
Tyre size
The tyre is of tubeless type. The tyre is designed to operate satisfactorily with loads up to the full ra ted load
capacity when inflated to the recommended inflation press ures.
Correct tyre pressures and driving habits have an important influence on tyre life. Heavy cornering, exces-
sivel y rapid acceleration and unnecessary sharp braking increase tyre wear.
Standard equip men t wheels are aluminium alloy.
Wheel size
15 x 5 1/2 J
When repla cement is necessar y, the origi nal equipment t ype tyre should be us ed. Refe r to the Tyre Placard.
Replacement tyres should be of the same size, load range and construction as those originally on the vehicle .
Use of any other size or type tyre may affect ride, handling, speedometer/odometer calibration, vehicle ground
clearance and tyre or snow chain clearance to the body and chassis.
It is recomm end ed t hat new tyres be i nstalled i n pairs on th e sam e ax le. If it is necess ar y t o repl ace only one
tyre, it should be paired with the tyre with the most tread, to equalise braking tractio n.
WARNING: Do not mix different types of tyres on the same vehicle such as radial, bias and bias-
belted tyres except in emergencies, because handling may be seriously affected and may result in
loss of control.
The m etr i c te rm for tyre inflation press ure is the kilo pas cal
(kPa). Tyre pressures are usually printed in both kPa and
psi on t he Ty re Plac ard.
Metr i c tyre gauges are available from tool suppliers.
The accompanying table, converts commonly used inflation
pre ssures from kPa to ps i.
Wheels must be replaced if they are bent, dented, have excessive lateral or radial runout, air leaks through
welds, have e longa ted bolt holes, if lug nuts won’t stay tight, or if they are heavily rusted. Wheel s with greater
runout than shown in the following figure may cause objectionable vibrations.
Replacement wheels must be equival ent t o t he original equipment wheels in load capacity, diameter, rim width
offset a nd moun ting c onfiguration. A wheel of im proper size or t ype may affect wh eel and bearing life, brake
cooling, speedometer/odometer calibration, vehicle ground clearance and tyre clear ance to body and chassis.