The universal and constant velocity joints used on this vehicle require no maintenance. They are lubricated for
life and cannot be lubricated on the vehicle. If the universal and constant velocity joints becomes noisy or
wor n, they must be replaced.
The propelle r shaft is a balanced unit. Handle it carefully to avoid damage and loss of balance.
A viscous coupling is used for the coupling system which distributes optimum driving force to the front and
rear wheels according to the driving conditions. It is located between the propeller shafts.
If the universal joints are suspected as the cause of chat-
tering or rattling noises, inspect them for wear. Check to
see if the cross spider rattles in the yoke. If propeller shaft
is defective replace with a new one.
Noise coming from a universal joint can be easily distin-
guished from other noises because the rhythm of chatter-
ing or rattling is in step with the cruising speed. Noise is
pronounced, particularly with a standing start or while
coasting (when the br aking eff ect of the engine is rel ayed to
the dr ive line).
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Abnormal noise Loose univ ersal joint bolt Tighten univers al joint bolt .
Spider bear ing wor n or seized Replace.
Worn or broken constant velocity joint Replace.
Worn or broken centre support bearing Replace.
Broken centre support rubber Replace.
Worn spider Replace propeller shaft.
Vibration Performed propell er shaft Replace.